打 bowling
壁虎曾因初次体验而写下一大篇打 pool 之记。
甚至 是好几十篇、几百篇。
写的人不腻 看的人腻。
昨天就约了 Faj 和龙,
一起到 Kim Seng 保龄球场打个痛快 (Great World City 对面)!
$2 钱 1 局,1局 10 场。
索性连打 5 局,付张 $10,十全十美。
打完后到 GWC Food Junction 吃了 Satay Bee Hoon,一个字,差!
回到原点打起了 pool!
时间不过 4 点多。
搭了免费 shuttle bus 到乌节。
但最后还是搭 bus 搭了几个站。
很高兴这次有 Faj 和龙的陪伴。
Posted by 壁虎 at 2:54:00 AM

不然无辜的 会是脚板和地板。
花了大半个时辰和小强跳 tango.
Posted by 壁虎 at 2:45:00 AM
PS: 宁花了 1 个多钟头冲凉 plus “洗厕所”!!!
Milo 喝了,不过还如当初一小杯!
Ah bel 骗人,哪儿来的 milo one packet?!
哦,还有免费一个 puff.
新加坡捐血者其实不超过 total population 的 1%。
平均,1 包血能换 3 条命。
但有些时候病人需要的 只是血中的其中成分。
好比说,一个患有白血病 (leukemia) 的病人,每 5 天需要 10 个捐赠者的血。
在加上 血型还分 4 大种,适合的血几乎不会很多。
“ You don't get paid for donating blood but hospitals are charging patients who needs blood, how unfair!”
如果不检验血的“干净度”,你 敢用吗?
这些 都需要钱。
希望下次捐血的时候,看到的不是 “Only 1% of Singaporeans are blood donors.”。
而是 “Number of blood donors has increased to 2% of Singapore's total population!”。
16 岁小女生都能带着笑脸去捐血,
18 岁以上的,你若不是体弱多病,体重太轻,
那拜托,把你体内 1/10 的血捐了吧?
16 - 17 岁的
小 朋友,可以的话就向令尊、令堂讨个签名呗?
Posted by 壁虎 at 1:58:00 AM
不知看 《壁虎山庄》 的,有多少人分派过传单?
3 种派发方法,壁虎都有过一次经验。
不是不想再做,只是没有 lobang.
有一次直接分 7 张,好让路人拿来遮雨,总好过把纸传到他们手上后就直接飘到地上。
发不完但想回家,只好把剩下的 2、3 叠当分尸随处丢。
这不是好榜样,但却是 last resort.
在说,又有谁会派传单派上瘾 一派就会再想派?还派到经验足够写成书?
但并非满街跑,而是站着扮 model.
守株待兔的等着会有几只小兔子上前说“Excuse me, can give me 1 flyer?”
Excuse me,派传单也是一份职业。
壁虎觉得,只要是人 就别放过。
想想,又会有谁会笑脸迎人上前跟你说“Excuse me, can give me 1 flyer?” 呢?
看人脸色而决定分不分,对你老板来说 不公平。
没什么,最近看到很多派传单的,就这样 有感而发。
人家公司有钱,有分不完的传单 (比如 Sim Lim Square),但切记,纸是宝贵的。
就算不想看,劳驾,拜托尽量拿到附近的 recycle bin,再丢弃手上的 “垃圾”,can?
我建议每座组屋楼下信箱旁都要放 recycle bin!!
Posted by 壁虎 at 10:24:00 AM
Siaoboi 也被 Tomorrowed 了!
Siaoboi 也被 Tomorrowed 了!Siaoboi 被 Tomorrowed 了!!龟公 归公人是我。嘿嘿嘿~这就表示。。。我喜欢,也认同他的说法!什么说法?如果你还不知道那个 post 是在说什么。。。劳驾,去看看吧。为了方便各位读者、朋友,我把那个 post 弄过来。外加后来 update (part 2) 的,壁虎也有插上一脚。--------------------------------------------------------Kids...1. sTicKyCaPs. I HaVe No IdEa wHy ThEy LoVe tO wRiTe lIke ThIs, sO IrRiTaTiNg lOrX, I dUn eVeN kNoW WhAt tHe hElL ThEy aRe wRitiNg aBoUt, aNd tHeY aRe So pROuD Of It lOlx ~
2. Are kids today having grammar problems? Or did teachers teach them to write extra letters? For example: todaee horr, thatt teaacherr verii thee cb lehh.. keepp piickiing on miie iin class.. ii dunn liike herr faccee lorr… Or are they blind or what? Can’t see that I there, so there’s a need to add an extra I? If you really can’t see, please go and get yourself a pair of spectacles in case if there’s this need of adding more extra letters in words in the future!
3. After grammar, comes the vocabulary problem. Can’t they just spell properly? Their you = euu, is = ishhh, blog = bloggie, cool = kewl, me = moii or meii, etc. If they really want to be inventors pleases invent some extraordinary words that are not being found in any dictionary instead of just changing their spelling! No wonder our English standard is dropping, hAiX~
4. In...most...blog, they love... to do...this, they....did...this...so that....their...posts...will...look longer. If...they write....until like...that...then...I suggest...that...they...might...as well....don’t....update...their...blog. What’s...the use...of writing....lots...of..craps with...lots of ...............
5. Everybody is talking about project superstar! I know that they will be their future idol, but is there a need to paste them all around blogskins? If that’s the reason then I advice this people to paste them on walls and offer them joss sticks and pray to them! Just a simple blogskin will do right? Is there even a need to paste all this idols everywhere?
6. Next is the color contrast. They love to have all sorts of bright bright blogskins, and their posts are filled with bright bright fonts, it’s really irritating because I need to highlight them in order to read all this posts! I wonder if they have special eyes that allows them to filter off bright bright colors? If not why is there a need to make your whole blog bright bright? This kind of blog people will never give a damn about them!
7. As we know that blogs are public diaries, but I have no idea why there are people who love to use this “Anti right-click” Html. It’s not like you are a supermodel or what and people are stealing all of your pictures. If you don’t like other people to steal your pictures, then don’t post them! As easy as that. By the way, whenever there’s something which captures my attention in a blog whose owner blocks my right-click, I my ways of getting them!
Way 1. Use the “view source button”
Way 2. Use Firefox, it will allow you to right-click even if the anti right-click html is on!
These are some useful ways to copy people stuff even if they don’t allow. Enjoy copying!
8. No matter it’s a guy or a girl, they love to “show off” their likes and dislikes. Take for example, lots of them love: chocolates, ice cream, toys, etc. And dislike: back stabbers, KPKB teachers, alone, liars, perverts, etc. I wonder what makes them so different from others? Who love back stabbers, etc. Only them?
9. Cliche lines. Have you notice that they love to quote "it takes a minute to know someone, an hour to like him, a day to love him, and a lifetime to forget him". It’s so unrealistic! An hour to like someone! You must be joking with me man! No wonder there are so many “innocent” girls who proclaim that they have got cheated! Please la…life is not that simple as an hour to like someone or a day to love him! WAKE UP!!
10. I bet that there are people who think their life is messy and everything, for example "my whole life is in a mess... family, friendship, career... i am beginning to hate myself... i am sad and lonely... when will i be able to find the right person to save me?" Please this is YOUR life, not other people’s, and you will have to save your own self instead of “Ohhh…my Romeo come and save me from all my suffering!”
WAKE UP, WAKE UP !!!Edited By Shawn
--------------------------------------------------------Kids...Part 2Ok ok! This is going to be PART 2!
And this is definitely a 100x more fun as it’s also edited by me, GeckoZ!
*eViL… GrIn…*
I know that when I post my last post, surly I will get “shot” by readers, and I agree that these Kids have their own freedom of how and what to blog, but I am just commenting about it! People also have their rights to complain right?
Got feedback from some readers as well as from my sis, I am going to add more points to my older post.
11. I know that girls love small and cute cute stuffs, but is it necessary to even set your posts in small small windows? It’s a torture for others to read! Imagine that you have to click and click just to read a post, it’s annoying you know? This sort of blog turns me off the most!
12. Song! Everybody has their own favorites, but what I don’t get it was that all this kids loves to play their favorite mp3s and midis in their blog! Once is annoying enough, but all these songs just keeps on playing on and on, non-stop! I can’t even enjoy my own music from my jukebox, and my Windows Media Player, and my Friend’s Blog, and my… erm.. never mind. Anyway! I don’t find the need to show them off, it’s not like as if you are a FAMOUS DJ who is famous for playing a single song over and over again, so just shut those blogs up for other people’s sake for once!
13. If you have noticed, there are blogs that contain a wish list! I know that Christmas is round the corner and all of you have really been “good” boys and girls, and hopes that Santa will give you digital camera, puma jackets, LV handbags, etc, I thought Santa gives toys?!?! Pleases, if you want any of those, BE PRODUCTIVE by working or saving and get them YOURSELF, they just don’t drop from heaven! People won’t buy those for you unless if they are your parent, steady or sugar daddies, so stop DREAMING!
14. Once again, some irritating cute cute stuffs found in blogs, Gif pictures! I know that they will make your blog BRIGHT and LIVELY, but all those blink blink makes my eyes blink away from your blogs! I find it irritating rather that lively and bright! So please, give both my eyes and other reader eyes a rest!
15. About entry problem, there are kids who love to blog long posts, but in these long posts, they are just beating around the bush. If not, then they had mange to blog down every single detail in their lives which happens to be the same as other ORDINARY day! (Which means that the post seems similar everyday), eg. Today went school....did nothing....listen to teacher teach...so boring. When bell ring everybody so happy, so went home....then still got test tomorrow, so boring...still got homework have not done...how? Later teacher scold...die...gtg...byezzz. I have no idea of which person in this whole wide world won’t get sick of reading similar posts over and over again everyday! Please be creative!!
16. There are also stupid irritating Kids who love adding silly good-for-nothing emotions like “hahaha..”, “wahahahaha”, “muahahaha” at the end of every sentences for God-knows-what purposes! Hahaha… They are simply writing it for the sake of writing, lol.. without really brings out how the hell happy they really are! Muahahaha…. Crazy bunch of irritating silly kids! Hur hur hur hur hur~~
17. Some silly people even have PASSWORD PROTECT FOR THE SAKE OF FUN! I can’t understand how fun is it really is. Every time your reader enters your blog, it automatically prompt for the silly password like “I love Blah Blah Bladdy Hell”. As a friend, I find that bothersome too, although I respect your wish to protect it from your family or your rival too, for some childish purposes. If you find that fun then just set that as your other account password as well, that would be fun for the readers! There’s no Private in the Public blogoshpere at all! Keep it in your Microsoft word to keep it private.
18. Annoying things like snowy effects and falling leafs. Nothing can be more annoying then this! Every time u read a sentence, a few words would be covered by the dropping effects created by stupid JAVA codes came out from another silly people. It’s a waste of time waiting for those pictures to uncover the text and for that, you have to wait throughout reading the whole post! Apart from that, it’s holy distracting. Give me a break.
19. Too large or too small fonts size are another silly idea out there. We are not blind folks that need you to magnify a 100x of a normal text size. And neither are we having a small-like-bed-bugs eyes, we don’t need you to cramp your fonts together so that we are able to see the words without moving our head too much.
20. Pop-ups that keeps popping out are irritants, not just advertisement pop-ups, but also pop-ups carving “~+~ Hug’zz Me In Your Arms Thight Thight Forever ~+~”. Nobody likes childish stuff like this on every entry to the blog. And don’t the blogger HERSELF just get tired of it every time SHE enters? Yeah, I’m stressing “HERSELF”, and “SHE”, only girls do such things.
21. Lastly, I hope. If your tag board aren’t working for most of the time, CHANGE IT.
PS: It’s your blog contents that is important, not any of your “Special Effects” that are neither special nor unique in any way.
--------------------------------------------------------这些话憋着很久了。其实一直想说,不过现在有现成的就拿了过来哈啦一番。都是一些英文 blogger 常犯的。(因为中文部落不多嘛)当然,以上两则 post 有点夸大、做效果,但它们说题的 始终很烦人,不是吗?壁虎曾经也是英文 blogger 吖~这些花花绿绿的东西以前也不吃不喝不睡觉,死都要把 effects 弄好。可是后来才发觉,这些东西看久会腻,除此之外,还很 TMD 碍事碍眼。。。PSSSS:这不是100%的对,只是个人看法。读者、朋友可拿去做参考,也可拿来做检讨,更可以当成过眼云烟,过目就忘。开心就好。
Posted by 壁虎 at 12:00:00 AM
我 · 和鱼尾狮的合照
我 · 和鱼尾狮的合照
翻新工程还未完成。家里照旧没自由。厕所依然不能用。壁虎还是没药救。上个星期的前四天,壁虎跟着计划天天做同样的事 到同样的地方。惟有星期天工人放假没开工,但壁虎也去了婆婆家庆祝生日。前天和昨天,因为晚睡而早上起不来 结果呆在家里无聊的度过。怎么个无聊?什么都能熬、能忍,除了尿。但始终,想尿不能尿。所以只好逼自己赖在床上,能睡就睡,直到傍晚五、六点。今天死都要起身出门!!!回到正题 - 和鱼尾狮之照。在大榴莲旁的鱼尾狮公园度过了几个傍晚。看见来来往往的人潮,身上若有相机就一定会挖出来找人帮自己和鱼尾狮合照。不少游客慕名而来,临走之前还很有意思的 “戴了” 鱼尾狮的 “口水” 回乡。不知为何不同日子的游客都会拍长“伸手碗水” 之照。或许大家是这样想的:水 = 财鱼尾狮喷不完的水 = 永远都有剩“鱼”花不完的财不过。。。跟鱼尾狮的合照能摆的 pose 多的是,好比:站在远处用尾指衡量鱼尾狮的身高撑把伞站在鱼尾狮喷的水下穿着警察制服警告鱼尾狮别乱吐口水当然,这只是茫茫脑海中的 3 个建议。壁虎临走之前,终于看见比较有创意的有人了。张大嘴巴猛灌喷出来的水!你。。。又有那些创意之 pose 呢?
Posted by 壁虎 at 9:21:00 AM
Photoshop “比赛”
Photoshop “比赛”
昨天和 voon 玩了一下,搞起了 photoshop 比比 “才艺”。4 张原图,咱两每图弄了代表自己的效果。不只是否有谁能猜得到哪 4 张是我的作品?Syl 应该没问题吧?嘎嘎~比赛由读者 / 朋友投票。无需拨打 1900-112-8833.投票方法很简单:在 comments 里写下你们的选择。例如:Pix 1: PE2Pix 2: PE2Pix 3: PE 1Pix 4: PE1您的每一票投选都很可能为 极度无聊 兴致勃勃的我们带来一丝快乐!还在等什么?快点击这里投票!(点击以上图片观看 ACTUAL size!! A Lot Larger! 1424 x 875)若要某张 edited 独照可向我拿=)经过咱两的票数统计后。。。成绩揭晓:最受欢迎 Pix 1 : PE2最受欢迎 Pix 2 : 打成平手最受欢迎 Pix 3 : PE1最受欢迎 Pix 4 : PE2所有的 PE1 都是 voon 的作品,PE2 是壁虎的。啊啊啊~各位喜欢就好,谢谢支持啊~
Posted by 壁虎 at 10:40:00 AM
现在时间 9 点钟,是否猜得到我身在何处?今天翻新工程已开始。7 点半以被老妈叫醒。全家人在 8 点就准时疏散。不过在出门之前,还是有东西忙。忙着把牙刷,杯子收好。忙着把老妈的床盖好。其他的封封盖盖收收早在昨晚搞定。昨晚,凌晨 2 点钟。不过,这一切老妈一手包办。壁虎 当起了旁观者。今天早上醒来后,发现厕所已几乎荡然无存。架子拆了,水管、香皂、洗发水通通以收好。醒来的时候时间也不早了,工人随时会上来开工、赶人。壁虎也管不了那么多,刷了牙就换上衣服,出门。昨晚已有了今早要上哪儿混的打算。一切弄好后就背起装着电脑的包包出门。去哪儿?去一个安静的地方,图书馆。比一般图书馆还安静的地方,学校图书馆。出门的时候有点尴尬,觉得好像我已成了众目的焦点。头发有点油,脸也有点脏,胡子又没刮,身体搞不好还发出淡淡异味。跟 full-time 流浪汉没太大分别。幸好巴士和图书馆里有冷气,不然连苍蝇都会在壁虎头上玩起抓迷藏。更显得“耀眼”夺目。打算在学校呆上一整个下午,之后或许道乌节路游荡,又或者去 HSA 捐血,又或者。。找朋友打 pool 去。不过现在,我感受到一个人的另一种自由。独自静下来的自由。没人打扰,100% 聆听耳边动人音乐旋律,写自己想写的,做自己想做的。Post 写完后继续写歌词,没灵感就写 report.暂时就这样。由于没吃早餐,我 饿了。
明天的日子,怎么过?离校后去了一些地方,看到一些对壁虎来说有点新鲜的事务。。以下就来个 bonus 好了。Bonus 之 费话连篇现在时间 5 点半。 人参 人身在榴莲中心的图书馆。(第一次在外面写 post,感觉不错)早前大概 2 点的时候快忍不住学校图书馆里的 吵闹 热闹与寒冷了, 结果打算到另一个地方去等待发霉。 临走之前只买了一杯 milo peng,一整天都没吃到东西。 肚子还很俄。 不过没关系,不吃午餐早成了壁虎的家常便饭。 离校后沿途走到 Tangling Mall,接着到了乌节路,在一直走到榴莲中心。 没停过,没上过厕所,没喝过水。 *我快要死了!!!!* 在乌节路。。。 (写到这里电脑没电了~ 只开了 20 分钟 -.-) 此刻时间 11.39pm,在家了。 刚才本想再继续走路回来破个个人大纪录,谁知。。我不认得路!! ok,圆规正传。 虽然每次走回同样的地方,但看到的东西却不同。 乌节能干什么? 女生逛街,男生也逛街。 女生逛街 = 买东西, 男生逛街 = 在街上游荡。 乌节可说是怪胎一族的 gathering point. 个个都把装画地人不像人,鬼不像鬼,有些还像起了动物! 今天就见到了一些老鼠脸、猴子屁股脸、Nemo 脸。 刚才在乌节还一次过见到 3 辆 Lamborgini 轿车!! 车停,我也停了。 实在好看,大饱眼福。 走到榴莲中心的时候,我 既然。。。睡着了! 迷迷糊糊中陪着大小鱼尾狮流口水。 还好没人看到啊。。。 醒来后看见一群日本女学生。 明确的说,是 6 班日本女校中学生。 大概 150 人吧? 这时才发现,日本人是人,新加坡人也是人。 如果他们不开口,但凭那张脸, 我还不能确定他们不是本地人。 不过,老实说,日妹长地怎么都比新妹 “卡哇鱼” 一点。 壁虎也喜欢她们的礼貌啊。 日妹总会很有信心,很有活力,使劲点头地 “嗯!” 比如说。。 日妹一:“你看,前面风景好美呀。。” 日妹二:“嗯!” 还有还有,超有礼貌的日妹口边常挂着一声 “gomen..” (Gomen 乃 对不起) 由于壁虎走路比飘还快, 跟着他们一起走的时候, 一个一个都被我超越了。 (不过这不是重点) 当几个同学发现她们挡着壁虎去路时,都会很不好意思又很紧张的 Gomen 起来。 如果换成新妹,搞不好不道歉,还会回过头瞪壁虎一下。 (突然忘掉所有会说的日语,结果不知怎么回复他们的 Gomen。-.-") 接着。。接着。。 回家了~ 又把刚才的 "Fun" 180度。。。变成了“烦”。。。
Posted by 壁虎 at 9:00:00 AM
有时候。。我也会放屁有时候你觉得很多人令你讨厌,搞不好。。你早已不知不觉让每个人讨厌你。有时候你觉得周围没一个人能了解你,搞不好。。是你自己孤僻,不是每个人都联合卑隔你。有时候你觉得周遭的人很幼稚,搞不好。。可能是因为你没他们成熟。有时候你觉得你是强者,搞不好。。全宇宙最弱的就是你。有时候你觉得人家很烦,搞不好。。是你自己 EQ 底。有时候你觉得自己做的很对,搞不好。。是你自己没能力分出是非。以上的 “你”,指的不是你,是我。不过。。我想这些屁 很可能也会缠上你。如果不懂我在说什么。。没关系,就当我在放屁。不好意思,失礼了。人生,究竟有没有选择的余地?还是,就算重来一次,你也会再一次做同样的选择?GeckoZ - The bullshitting lizard humanoidOrange 提过 “国王的新衣”。如果你从这个 post 领悟到什么,那可能是你自己给予的想法,因为,我觉得我写的有如屁,大部分是空无的。。明天就开始装修了。。现在我已感受到麻烦。是真的很麻烦,不过我更烦。救我~
Posted by 壁虎 at 11:05:00 PM
时辰以到。。。好几百年前壁虎就说过壁虎窝要翻新了。终于,那天很快就要到来。这个日子就在12月7日。。也就是。。3! 天! 后!最近看到邻居的家在拆拆装装当中。好麻烦 也好烦。从早上8点就得离开家门,直到晚上8点。灾难持续12天。现在放假都不知是好事还是相反。回到家搞不好还会被逼打扫家中灰尘。更受不了也最无可奈何的就是,老爸老妈也要搬进我房里一起睡!不只,就连什么刚洗好的衣服、裤子也要挂在我房里!我房里已经小的受不了了。。真 TMD 快窒息了。。有家归不得,不能够晚睡,一屋子灰尘,没的用电脑,房间“习北” 济,减少了自由!!!将来的日子实在不好过。。有口难言,有手难 blog...Last call,有没有人肯收留壁虎?包吃包喝包水电?还要有 internet connection!!或者,有没有人想去 chalet 的?若不介意,请 invite 我~我肯为你做牛做马,任劳任怨。。。才怪!烦死了。。没找到工作或许是件好事,至少不会因没睡觉而累得像只行尸走肉。说真的,我真的真的真 TMD 不想翻新!!
Posted by 壁虎 at 2:36:00 AM
今天壁虎又翘课啦~反正以经最后一天,明天就是假期的开始了。全班共 25 人 但只有15 人回校上课。早上的时候双眼都撑不住了。老师说话而我却在睡觉。累得什么也做不了。每 3 秒钟眼睛就像安装了 automatic function 似的自动闭起来。一点也没夸张写。直到下午将近 11 点半时才突然间精神奕奕。可是就在那半个小时前,和 siaoboi 约好了 12 点半一起去找假期工作。因为答应了人,再加上壁虎懒得去看有如蚂蚁小的文字,就宁愿不管了。走就走~惟一遗憾就是放假前的最后一天也不能和 “她” 过完。。。别问我 “她”是谁~打死我也不会讲!别说八字还没一丿,三字其实也还没一横 呢~可能 或许,这又是壁虎一生中的另一个 “喜欢”, 而不是 “爱”。跟着 siaoboi 去了乌节,bugis,新达,Marina Square,还有榴莲中心。哦对了~也顺道去了一趟 Funan 与 Sim Lim。运气实在背,走了那么多地方但找到适合的工作却少的可以。探了一整天也只不过填了一张表格,还得回家慢慢等一通没什么希望接到的电话。不过还好,至少我不用忍受呆在学校里的无聊之苦。整个下午见到很多美眉哦~大家都在放假嘛!(除了其他 poly 啦)还看到一只红眼僵尸,不过不是完颜不破。我想可能有一天我也要弄对蓝色隐形眼镜,然后就是还要有 “大眼睛的小秘密” effects!这样我的蓝色眼睛就会夺目一点!!吓人也比较好玩!*奸笑*话说回来,壁虎其实真正想做的。。。就是在对面 7-11 当个临时收账的。而且还是要值半夜班的那种!Anyway,再说一次,我放假了!!!
Posted by 壁虎 at 3:26:00 AM
走路壁虎常走路,不管是回家,在街上游荡,或是从一个地方到另一个地方,时间准许的话,精神 ok 的话,我 都会选择走路。不少人知道我经常走路。不过,没多少人知道我真正走路的原因。有些人会开玩笑的说:“哇!你连搭 bus 的钱都要省啊?”或者“你神经病啊?这样走路,不会嘞咩?”壁虎走路真正的理由当然并非以上两种原因。壁虎不是脱线的铁公鸡!那为何爱走路?最肤浅的答案乃:“走路对身体好呢吗!”可是我像是如此浮浅的人吗?老实话。。是有一点啦。。 *惭愧*不过我走路最大的原因是因为自由!走路时是自己一个人的。有时就算看到熟人也未必会上前打招呼。自己走路的时候,享受着迎面而来的风。让心情控制着脚步。心情好则走快点,心情忧则走慢点。不管快慢都有它不一样的感觉。有时,壁虎会走特别快,一定要 overtake 每一个走在前面的人。但偶尔,也会走的比蜗牛还慢,看着很多人从我背后插身而过。唱歌吧,哪怕是“杀鸡”般也不怕会被扔臭鸡蛋~胡乱 rap 两口也好。最重要就是疏解压力,放松心情。形象又何必在乎?反正路上行人未必会认识你。当然,如果你 suay 的话那我也没办法~时不时,壁虎还会挑战自己,让壁虎胆变老虎胆。怎么挑战?在一眼望去、空无一人的值路上,闭上眼睛试着走下去。试试看,你能走多远?我最多十几步。每当眼睛闭起开始数 “一步,两步,三步,四步 ,望着天。。看星星一颗,两颗,三颗,四颗连成线。。。”眼前就隐隐约约出现森林的画面,每一步都似乎会撞到阻挡着的树木。不过,只要放松,不去数就没事了。。现在觉得压力很大吗?随时有快憋不住,想哭的冲动吗?试试走走看。。不过如果是特地走的,那就没意思了~想走,才走。自由 未必不是简单的~
Posted by 壁虎 at 11:36:00 PM