冤枉“录”下午,壁虎去了趟表哥家。他家地址写着 Tiong Poh Rd (有多少读者认识这条 ulu 小街?)。壁虎不知这鬼地方到底在新加坡的哪个角落,只知道它在中巴鲁与欧南园中间。于是就随着16号小巴去到了世界城才发觉自己似乎过站了(壁虎有看过地图,只是没看懂!)。立刻下车索性往反方向走。心里有点怀疑自己的直觉,还是打了电话给表哥。天啊!真是过了那么远的一段路。更糟的是,壁虎前几个月才到过那里研究那一带的 conservated buildings!街名 "Tiong Poh Rd" 还浮现在脑海里 (因为壁虎曾用那名字取笑了一个同学。。呵呵)。壁虎老了,记性也渐渐退化了。。。(若有读者想看看那一带的旧屋长怎样,让壁虎知道。我有照片。)
Posted by 壁虎 at 1:38:00 AM
手语の记 今早,壁虎又回到学校学手语。不要怀疑,壁虎不是哑巴;听觉也完全 ok!学手语是为了要在国庆日时创 "3,000 人同时比手语"世界新纪录(各位读者,旧纪录只不过 1,000 多人哦!)。这还挺高难度的!虽然壁虎上一课的手语学了七七八八,但今早还是耍了个鸡手鸭脚。我的的确确还需多加练习才能达到专业聋子的水准!这手语的技巧不是那么好抓的。手语要是比的不好就像是。。。有点弱智,形相超难看!或。。。老人中风,手指不停乱抖!还有还有!!手语要是比的太好,在国庆日当天播放音乐时,观众会看到 3,000 多人与一只壁虎手舞足蹈的跳起舞来了!这还算是手语吗?话又说回来。。。课室里共有五张桌子。壁虎也没怎样,就坐在中间那张。桌子旁边还有大概六长椅子。壁虎还是没怎样,就任选一张面着前方的位子。过了没一段时间,突然发现就在不远处的桌上,有只像迷你苍蝇般的“化石”。壁虎也没法证实那是用铅笔画上的,还是真正压扁小苍蝇(眼前的苍蝇简直太像了,但又没有 3D 感!)。就不由自主地一直盯着它看。当然,壁虎就算再饿,也不见得会一口把它吃了。只是这样,一直默默地,从开始。。。看到下课(应该算是在研究吧)。可能。。这就是我和它之间的一种缘分。。。
Posted by 壁虎 at 12:46:00 AM
电视节目- 有什么好看的?
电视节目- 有什么好看的? 虽然说壁虎是只晚上才出窝活动的蜥蜴,但没事干时偶尔还是会出来走动走动。看见主人家电视开着时,无聊的我也会躲在一旁边看边发呆。近年来,壁虎看过的节目不可胜数。但也因此觉得故事情节有点枯燥乏味,都是一些反反复复用过几百遍的内容(一般读者应该也是这样想的吧?)。久而久之,壁虎渐渐地与电视节目疏远了(现在还爬到了你左边的电脑荧光幕上)。当然,壁虎还是不会排斥电视机。有必要时还是会到哪儿爬来爬去。只不过,我想说的是。。。人们口中的“人身如戏,戏如人身”真是如此?话说回来,这编剧也是人嘛!人写戏,戏演人。这道理和自古以来一个没人能搞懂的道理是一样的。鸡生蛋,蛋孵鸡。到底谁先谁后?无人知晓。它们已成了一个会互相影响的一面镜子。怎么说呢?还是简单地来说吧。人的思想和观点都是从日常生活里所得。就算编剧他有再多的创意细胞,点子迟早还是会用的一滴不胜(如果任何读者敢说你有用之不竭的点子,那你干脆去当编剧算了!)。哪怕再新鲜的点子用个两;三;四遍,观众还是会 complain lack of creativity 而感到厌倦。若读者不服我所说的话,这是可以用来相对比的:几年前(壁虎孤陋寡闻,不晓得有多长时间),在市场上卖个满堂红的 bubble tea (大家都应该认同我说这产品很创新吧!)不是开了一家接着一家吗?结果至今还不是一家接着一家倒?仔细瞧瞧,现在市场上卖地最好,最久的不是 creative 的 bubble tea,而是历史悠久,风雨不倒的可口可乐(尽管壁虎讨厌它的味道),不是吗?在想想,《荷兰村》 够 special 了吧?观众指数够多了吧?想必你也是一个从头追到尾,追了百多集的忠实观众。但当 MediaCorp 在次弄个 《同心圆》,forum 马上有人抢着第一个站出来说 "No Good!"现在壁虎脑海中浮现了一个疑问: Is the show making life no good, or is our life making the show no good?
Posted by 壁虎 at 3:12:00 AM
Blog • 新更新
Blog • 新更新!相信各位都发现本 blog 有点不同吧?严格来说,是大大大大大不同!最大的不同应该还是 background,从一片黑漆漆的,一换就换到了相比之下较 refreshing 的银色。旧的格调太不符合我的新概念了。
就算是壁虎窝也要有格调,有气氛一点。一不做,二不休嘛,干脆能换得都换掉了。如果读者朋友不满意,不妨留个 comments 给我,觉得好的话我一定改。Credits 我想最应该给的还是“昔途避”,又称“疯子”本人。他简直就是我的 idol!不过。。如果通通都 follow 他的 style,那也有点不合原则,而我也有点丢了自尊吧?最大的 mistake 还是我没有自己的各人风格。所以,壁虎决定了,I'll try my best to blog my own way!对了,我 target 的读者都是群众,不只是我的几只蚂蚁朋友哦!所以,我的 post 也会是一些较 general 的内容。我猜可能会有人觉得以前的 post 蛮有趣的,只不过太长了一点(如果读者有兴趣,可以自由阅读 "Archives" 或 "Previous Posts")。希望我的中文 blog (还有一些插不掉的英文痕迹)会带给读者一些 spice!不说了,壁虎俄了。。 困了。。去找些苍蝇,蚊子填饱肚子。若有蟑螂就最好不过!晚安咯!
Posted by 壁虎 at 4:02:00 AM
哦,不好意思, 我是无心把你忘掉的!!
"A..B..C..D..E..F..G..H..I..J..K..L..M..N..O..P..Q..R..S..T..U.. ..W..X..Y..Z.."哦,不好意思,我是无心把你忘掉的!!英文字母中的 "A" 到 "Z" 会让你想到什么?
汉语拼音里,找不到 "V" 字母。
世上的事,就出现在你面前但又没发觉到的还可多着呢,应为人生下来后都不知不觉地学会了taking for granted 的坏习惯。。。
Posted by 壁虎 at 8:23:00 PM
我想我的 blog 要走幽默,中文路线!
再说,本岛,Singapore 都在推广华文华语,不是吗?
另一个理由就是,英文 blog 太普遍了!
还有还有,太多无聊的人到此 blog 捣乱!!
Posted by 壁虎 at 7:45:00 PM
New Blogs Update: erm.. wait, can this be counted as a blog in the 1st place?
doesn't look like 1.. but, what's the definition of Blog anyway?
i'd love such stuff very much.. real
funnie comics and
doodles which i recommand to all silly-willy dude and dudess out there.
the blog's
organised in a real good format,
art pieces is clear and in best resolution too.
take your time browsing around and, Have Fun!
Posted by 壁虎 at 4:20:00 AM
Ghost! Believe it, or not?! read some articles from
ah 9 and some of his linkies about
ghostly trips with forum pals and SPI to proclaimed haunted places. basically,
ah 9 is good with his camara, and definitely a "ghost hunter". click on the linkies to his blog to noe more about the story of OCH - Old Changi Hosp. - and view some pictures he took, no ghastly shot though.. He certainly knows more that anyone of us here.
he got quite some interesting post on his personal strange encounters, interested parties can click
here and browse around at your onw risk.
from some of the linkies, i got
here :
A news article entitled "Japanese company now offers a "Ghost detector""
such crap cost 185 bucks selling in Japan!quoted:
"SolidAlliance Corp.'s portable GhostRadar beeps and flashes red lights in response to unusual magnetic waves.""It also reacts to body heat and perspiration detected by a sensor where users place their thumbs.""
The device may beep as often as once an hour in a place that's haunted but might fall silent in other spots, Saito said. He wouldn't elaborate on how it works."
This detects invisible phenomena and so the system is confidential,"
This is not a game. This is a measuring device."
after some quick browse through.. i started to wonder..
- What is the purpose of this Ghost detector?
- for housewife to detect if ghost is in the house?
- for exorcist to sense to detect invisible phenomena and do nothing but simply, just detect it fot the sake of detecting? (if they have the ability to expel spirits, they don't even need this gadget in the 1st place)
- for superstitious people to detect if any spirits are following them therefore they loose their TOTO or 4D?
- What convinced the company/scientist that this magnetic waves belongs to spirits?
- why can't it be some unknown radiation or frequencies due to nature?
- since it can react to heat from human's thumb, then what makes it true to say that, in so-called haunted area, it beeps since the area is humid instead? (isolated places is unlikely to have much wind and trees around, and not to say fan and aircon)
- "GhostRadar is a novelty item that comes attached to a portable storage device, which holds documents, photos and other files on a memory card and plugs into a computer's USB port."
Scientist dueling with such phenomenal said that unusual photographs and sounds could be due to some other factors instead of "Ghost"
- then.. what is this gadget trying to proove?
From a photography forum, professional photographer are disscussing about taking pics of ghost..
1 participant posted an online manual which teaches you how to modify the CCD sensor of your camera to be more sensitive to 'ghostly' apparitions.
below is something i found from the forum:
" 'ghostly' appearances are generally remnants of electromagnetic pulses of people and events which happen long, long ago. these impulses are somehow trapped in a void, thus unable to easily transform into other forms of energies such as heat, sound and so on. over time, these impulses will slowly 'leak' out of the void. this is where we come in ... we modify the CCD chip and 'tap' into these impulses..transforming the impulses into visible light. as the 'leakage' is slow..hence the need for long exposures (2 minutes and longer). however, my advice is not to give it too long an exposure too, as this will result in the "Ring Syndrome" , whereby the 'ghost' will crawl out of your DSLR LCD screen. the fixing of the special filter in front of the lens is specifically to prevent this syndrome. go for the multicoated version!
now..to the more technical part .. focussing is not like what we do in conventional photography. as the 'impulses' are beyond the normal visible light spectrum, we need to 'agulation' the focus distance. if you ever wonder what the symbol '8' on your lens mean... (in this case, it does not mean infinity).. well, that's where you should set your focus distance to. ever wonder why they use '8'? because according to Chinese tradition..it is suppose to be a lucky number."
sounds like so chim to you cos you know nth about camaras, especially such a chim wan? same here.. but wad i wanted to hi-light is that:
- Wad is the purpose of a GOOD camera? Used to capture Ghost meh?!
- What are the strange images that appeared on photos? why some in humanic shapes while some in orbs and smokes? electromagnetic pulses from people give you human shape while EP from events give you orbs and smokes ar?
Totally in a lost...
after reading so many strange encounters in blogS, i wonder if the "things" are really ghost... but i kinda believe that those encounters are real lar, who will so bo liao spend so much time to think about ghost stories to post on blogs (they need time to think oso!)?
current thought: read a lot of spooky stuff in just one night give me lots of goosebumps that you can ever imagine... brrr.. its 6.40am in the morning now..
i guess i better wait till dawn for my toilet run before i sleep.
thought again.. another one..
i remembered my mum told me that i had another brother.. he died sometime after birth? or before birth? can't remember.. is he younger or older then me? i think is younger.. cant remember either.. (my memory is deteriorating fast) okok.. i had another brother who died and i knew nth about it till my mom told me sometime ago..
erm.. what has this got to do with the topic? hmm.. nth..
ANYWAY, got a spooky story to share? Better if it's your own encounter, post it in the comments! ;)
i wonder if i got the balls to read... anyway, just post it!
started posting at 4.15am
do researched for more creeps
ended posting at 7.16am
Posted by 壁虎 at 4:51:00 AM
Miracle? or....
just now happened to look at my former sec school website - GESS - and found out that 5 years ago in yr 2000, (hmm.. i was in sec 2, 3 or 4? abit cant remember.. haha..) 3 Normal Techical students from the same class scored into Top 3 position in their 'N' Level.
their form teacher in the class 2 year ago (1998),Ms Winnie Tan (i dun remember hearing this name or this news before.. lol), challenged her class to be among the top 10 in Singapore. she wasn't sure if her target could be achieved though...
Report from Straits Times: "Three out of the top 11 were from her class, making the school the only one in Singapore to have fielded so many top students."
this 3 boys, having a rather poor family background, had to work part-time to supplement the family background. thier parents wasn't really educated either.. but thanx to their teacher's encouragements, they really get their head burry deep into the books when it's time to study.. and they finally made it into the Top 3.
Full story could be found here: http://www.gessosa.org.sg/features/articles/ftr_artc_001220_top3.htmMoral of story: Do not look down on others, even if they might seem to be inferior.. tt's not their true self... give them some encouragements and they can create the "Miracle of Hardwork".Current thought: Nothing is impossible.. and "Perfection" is not an exception.My Rational: Anyone could be perfect if there is enough time for him to practice.. practice makes perfect, isn't it?"Failure" is just an obstacle along the path of success and "Giving up" is the process of not overcoming the obstacle...It's true that everyone do not have enough time to clear all obstacles in life (before they could experiance everything, their time is up and death is coming...), however, we could AT LEAST perfect in a single area, isn't it?Even brewing a cup of coffee that reaches your own target, it's already a perfection...CE Activity and PPM Makes My Holiday ROCKS!!
As mentioned, this holiday has got lotsa stuff for me to do, and so far, 1 week has passed.
i think that i'd really enjoyed the process of doing research for all my questions which i'll be interviewing my cousin for my PPM module.. it's fun.. and from tt process, i'm able to apply knowledge that i've learnt throughout my life.. mainly in RP.. nothing academic though.. juz some things that will help you in life.. and i feel that, not everyone has successfully indentified this knowledge within them...
things come and go in life... and wadever that appears, there is something that we can learn from it.. even things as small as flea...CE Activities:
something that really motivates me about CE activities are not the CE points, seriously... right now, i can really feel how fun they can be... during the holidays so far, unknowingly, i've got myself involed in 3 of them and all gaining quite a lot of CE points.. haha...
kinda regret not going for the 4th activity - Youth Ambassador in Gaming - very very fun and got 4NDA points...
anyway.. i might not have the time for it too cos my time it's still kinda cramp, all thanx to Uncle Devil who makes me lazy and gives me a mind that love to wander around.. haha
CE Activity 1: School Outreach Innovation programme
the progress of it is kinda good, and i'm pretty excited in meeting the kids (Sec 1/2 student from GESS!!!) haaha..
today went back for the meeting to make sure that our scripts works, and to my surprise, our team (loo and me) has got the best script done and tiffanie, the in-charge has got no comments other then "Hey guys (to the class), you all see ar, this is the script that is considered good!" hahaha.. other scripts was like.. erm.. erm.. ermm... ya.... hahaha.. dun wanna sae too much lar, if not you will see my post with crude and vulgar words again (i'm trying to kick th habbit again)... lolx.. erm.. i'm not saying that their scripts are really bad though.. juz that they only put in enough effort to write out something for the sake of the CE points!!! bah...
oh, we also helpped the most, although it wasn't a lot, by giving ideas to the other teams as well... and to tiffanie! hahaha.. damn.. loo n me have got the most participation.. erm.. can we have an A for the daily grade?
oh ya, remember "knowledge" i mention above? writing a script need tt kind of knowledge too! hell ya!
hmm.. read quite a lot of stuff before i came out with the script and thought a lot... think about if the story is approachable, is it funny enough, is it up to standard, can we manage it, can the students act out successfully, can we get the props successfully as we wanted?? and stuff like that...
then somemore gotta read resources on how to do a good, or perfect script! then took quite a long time..
hmm.. observe the way things go lame in shows too.. haha.. this is a BIG PROJECT to me!
at 1st i still thought the script i wrote was a failure and din have much confidence in it cos i thought the story not funny enough and like too stupid instead... hahaha!
Loo told me yesterday night that he have not write out the script and the ideas in his mind was abit here and there... i sent him my script and he used the same concept as me to write out his script.. so the credits still goes back to me? ya right! haha.. okok... he did contribute the idea ;)
if it wasn't for him, i guess the comment from Tiff wun be tt good, ya? he actually acted out the story himself when we presented it to Tiff, and she was real happy with it. ;)
CE Activity 2: Signing of National Day Pledge Taking and Song Signing
this is another BIG PROJECT to me!! i cant really tell which BIG PROJECT is bigger though.. hahaha.. On National Day, 3000 people will be signing the plegde and the song, it's a song that no one have heard.. so... i guess i wun be saying wad song it is? lolx
signing, juz in case if u dun get wad i mean... is to do hand signals that the deaf used to communicate.. yup.. cool? i think so too!
young people now-a-days like to learn other foreign lauguages like french or jap.. so why not learn hand signs? we can communicate with the deaf and then indirectly we brighten up their day.. agree?
besides.. one day we got old and our hearing system deteriorates.. we are still able to talk to our grandsons and granddaughters or even anyone around if everyone learns this easy hand signals, then there won't be any barrier.. :D
well.. i manage to learn how to sign my name, the singapore pledge, basic ABCs and 123s in juz one day of 4hrs... no sweat..
ohh by the way, i'm so interested that i learn faster then anyone else sitting in the same table as me.. hah!
here's a website i researched on about hand signs.. i think it's worth a look, especially for people who is interested: http://www.geocities.com/signsing/a2z.htmknew Timothy Alvin (wow.. 1 person with 2 english names...) and Windez (this name sounds cool? ya! i hope i din spell it wrongly though) as i'm sitting on the same table as them. hey wait, my name not bad too.. SAM = english and surname.. 2 in 1!! lolx!
they talked to me more stuff about Christianity... thought quite a lot.. felt like sharing some thoughts in my blog, depends on my time.. if i feel like it, i'll continue writting later. Check Out The Bottom!!
CE Activity 3: Save The Environment!!
another meaningful activity? yeah.. but not a BIG PROJECT this time.. intended to do it for the CE points... however still found some fun since i get more familiar with MS Powerpoint.. hehehe... i juz love to do posters and logos and stuff like tt..
Christianity, what is it to me? i'm not good with my words but, no offence..
ok, as promsied here's the article for Christianity.. din noe my speech for CE activity 3 is so short.. hahah
this few months has heard lots of talk about what christians normally do in church every weekend... some shared by Amy, Ying Ying, Windez and Timothy...
i like the way they look at some of the things.. their concept. and they are really open to to their church frens, which is wad i kinda look forward to.. and their bondings, can see that it's really strong.. however, sometimes i dun really like the way they talk about God.. although i'm a free thinker, but i have got a God that i imagined (this is slightly different from other Gods though).. and i guess it's becoz of this, it's like you are toking about buddism to a christian and they wouldn't like it.. yeah.. however i'll really like to join in some of their activities and see how it goes.. perhaps i'll be a Christian too? i can't predict what will happen in the future, haha..
so wadz my God all about? hmm.. sometimes i'll hope for something to happen, things tt are kinda lame like "oh, plz dont rain later on", "oh plz stop the rain in 10 minutes time" and things like "oh, plz plz plz bus 145, i'll be late if you dont come now!!!" and stuff like tt.. haha.. think it's lame? hmm...
most of the time my "wish" came through.. and tt's my undefined God.
very often when ying ying told me about the "power" of God, it freaks me out.. but still, i was interested to discover what is it all about... there are forces that heals a person (erm.. then wad are doctors for?), forces that can make a person fall when the pastor touches his forehead (he's called a pastor, rite?), and voices from God himself... wow... unbelievable? yeah!
imagine.. if one day, David Copperfield (my idol in magic) is able to convince everyone that his magic is not an illusion, but it's true supernatural forces, i'll be the 1st to hide under my bed... tt's freakingly freaky! same case as for God...
the question mark of Chicken and Egg...
hmm.. Chicken came 1st or Egg came 1st? Timothy told me, none of them came 1st.. God created both... "Man cant create, cos 'Create' is to make something out of nothing... juz like a handphone, no one can create it, cos you create it out of raw materials like plastics and stuff... therefore, only God has the ability to create." convincing? ya... kinda..
but... this is only in thier point of view rite? dont see things in juz 1 point of view...
lets take an example...
in the Jurassic Era.. let's say we change the story abit, say human being has already exist... they found out that apples fall from tress to the ground, however, Newton wasn't born yet to identify the Gravitational Forces.. this early human beings would think that... "God!! It's God that gave us the apple, it's him that make the apple fall, Praise the Lord!"... and if in our story, Newton was never borned, or he is borned retarded... today, in the Christians bible... the thought of the early human might juz be written on it.. and i believe that most Christians would believe it as a fact...
science, religion, science, religion, science, religion... ARRRRGGHH!!!!
Science is a subject that does not give an assured conformation on wadever it is, it juz try it's best to make claim according to the knowledge human have, and prooved to be true till the point of time.
any scientific claims could be change if someone is able to proove it wrong..
for example... scientist picks up dinsaure bones from fossils.. after period of time by close examinations, they drew out dinosaures that appeared in Jurassic Park.
lets say.. in the far future of unimaginable time, other organism, know as "aliens" to us right now, came to settle on earth and by then, hamans extinct juz like dinosaures...
this aliens went to look for the remains of fossilized human bones and put them together like jigsaw puzzle... would they get excatly how we look like? maybe.. but... females would not have breast at all!! cos breast got no bones... therefore no fossils to be found...
therefore, hu could say that science is true? even a real scientist could not CONFIRM that all things fall is due to gravity.
wanna go deeper?
imgaine... if it is possible...
a group of men started this BIG PROJECT, that is, to dig a BIG TUNNLE across the earth core (i.e. the center part of earth), from North Pole to South Pole.. on their journey somewhere in between, that is millions and millions times of distant that you can travel on the entire earth (the surface aread of a sphere is definitly smaller then the entire space area inside rite?), they happen to see some strange things going on... some creatures.. hmm.. are they animals? nv seen them before.. they wanted to stop digging and settle there together with the animals.. they might juz find their ancestors living there or some people who are reported Lost for so many years and police have not found them or their bodies yet.. or perhaps.. people who got sucked in by the bermuda triangle? oh... that was the place that repeats history 10 years ago.. damn... wad a man-made time machine...
current thought: Science? Religions? they are juz something a person believe in.. base on some convincing facts that, nothing has yet discovered to say it's wrong... sonner or later, it will be discovered.. hu noes? God? hmm.. perhaps...Started writting from: 6.15pmended at: 9.11pmwow....
Posted by 壁虎 at 6:15:00 PM
Is that what true friend is? Have I found him? hmm... hahaha...Today went back to school with Loo for our outreach innovative project activity. We purposly reach school at 12pm just to thrash him in Chinese Chess (okok, suppose to be writing the script for the activity too.. but ended up only playing.. lol)!! muahahaha!!our meeting with the other participants starts at 1pm, and by right Loo and me agreed to meet at 11.30am this morning.. but.. both of us reach the bus stop outside school TOGETHER exactly at 12pm! hahaha..I've two books borrowed from school library is reaching it's due date soon, 1 of them is on this Friday and I kindly forgotten to bring it out with me today.. damn.. which means that tml i've to waste a trip to school juz to return it? Bingo! duh...should have pass it to Loo juz now after our pool... dotz...okok.. flash back!!!we headed to library and saw Kai Hong and Issi in the lib... then half way through our game saw Chee Hoo walking by..went to our meeting at 1pm, which is after i trashed Loo.. haha.. he kinda pa jiao!got stressed from the meeting initially.. no, more like chicken out! haha.. and Loo is complaining that he wanna opt out!! wtf? but i managed to convince him to stay.. haha.. oh ya, and the amount of CE points we are able to get has also mesmerized him and causes his mind to go haywire.. yeah!by right was.. 6 points? ya.. 3NDA and 3DA.. but today, Philip (our fac in-charge) somehow raises it to 10, and then 15!! IF... we do a good job.. ahaha! but tt was A LOT!me and Loo are expected to... be Script Writter cum Director cum Ambassador cum perhaps actor and maybe cum Production Crew (that is backstage managing)!! i think still got cum somemore.. tiffanie, the student in-charge mentioned quite a lot.. haha!tt's the reason why Loo wanna opt out.. i was abit frightened too.. but, for the sake of my interest, Yes, My Interest, i Will Not give up!! instead i'm Looooooooooooking forwad to it!Gan Eng Seng Sec, I miss YOU!! yeah.. my sec sch.. ;)Now got 1 problem... i need ideas to make 1 of the innovation i'm in-charge of, fun for the audience!! think me and Loo will film them out some parts and get our students to act out the remaining as a drama.. good news is that, i've got the story of watercooler in my mind... i only need ideas for tt "cool-looking" raincoat...bad news is that... there is only 3 - 4 minutes per play? is that ever possible? hmm.. no idea.. but i think it's toooo short!toking abt CE activities, i engaged myself in 3 of them in this holiday.. just finished a last minute poster on "Save the Environment!".. yah.. went on9 for pictures and pasted them together, it looks GREAT! atleast to me? haha.. then i registered for this sign language thinggy that is happening on National Day. u noe.. when the people starts to sing the song and say the pledge, 3000+ people including me will be doing the sign language... ya.. fun enough for me! 5 CE points.. hmm.. but looks like DP points to me... then it would be useless... but nvm, it's FUN! and oh yeah, if they are successful in getting 3000 people to do this together, it will break Guiness World Record! i'm serious!ok, after so much tok, here is my last minute poster which i took 10 - 15mins to complete.. haha:
The reason why endangered animals appear in my poster instead of pollutants is that, they reflects the consequences on earth if our precious environment isn’t well taken care of. Be it the sea, land or air, as long as there is a fault in anyone of them, it affects the whole ecosystem, which includes humans as well. Therefore, I strongly believe that the environment should be saved and hope that my poster is convincing and strong enough to influence a new concept to the world.hmm.. after the meeting.. Loo and me go to Mount Faber SAFRA (MF SAFRA) for a few rounds of pool.. played for 2hrs..he gave me a perfect trashed me for our 1st and last round!! haha.. he pocketed all his balls including the black ball, and i'm still left with 6 balls placing neatly on the table... -_-"Glendon Move of the Day: Lying on the pool table with the belly just to shoot a far away ball!!i give him an A for tt!! hahahahaha.. tt was real funny!walked him all the way from SAFRA to the bus stop where he can take his bus home, which was damn far away... lol.. then it passes by my house!!! we are just walking at the void deck!! and i forgot to pass him my library book so that he could return it for me when he goes to school for SA camp tomorrow... dotz..final conclusion about Loo:if you need a good friend, look for Loo...if you need a pee or need to shit, look for Loo...cuase.. Loo is a daily necessityhuman's best friend cum pets' owner's best friend!!hahaha...Current thought: TV, Study and Sleep are the only reason for me to be at home now-a-days.. getting sick of it...
Posted by 壁虎 at 2:16:00 AM
Free-way Big Walk
this morning went to sch to meet Loo for the Outreach innovative programme discussion.. tot we will discuss for few hrs so we met at 10am in sch library cos he got meeting at 1pm. then hu noes? our discussion only lasted for.. 10mins? wad the hell? hahaha.. i still brought my lappy for nth.. duh... and i on it for tt pathetic 10mins and off it..
spent an hour plus in library doing nth.. go msn oso nobody chat...
met veron at 1pm in orchard to pass her the movie tix "Mr and Mrs Smith".. haiz.. free tix but i cant find anyone to watch with me, so since she watching it with her sis, then gave it to her.
she bought 3 coooookies from Mrs. Fields and gave me 1.. haha, taste good! tnx Veron!
since i met her at Paragon, i went down to basement to look for val, cos i tot she wrking... then she isn't there...
thought of going home.. but... go home nth to do..
took my time and walked from paragon to PS thinking of taking bus 124 since it goes to my hse straight...
then nv see any 124 passes by as i walk so kept on walking down to esplande and thought of enjoying the senery and stuff..
ya.. beautiful seneries... oh ya, the underground tunnel which links to Esplanade where the art wrk ar.. i think they look ugly cos a lot of freaky stuff, but somehow it brings out some abstract art in it.. then i think.. it's cool! maybe u guys should go look at them too...
after reaching Esplanade, went up to the rooftop.. it was hot and sunny, then no one was out there.. unlike b4..
so since the sun is so damn hot, went down to accompany Merlion.. or perhaps looking for him to accompany me? wadever...
saw Merlion omoz die of hunger and thirst.. ya..
no water in the pool where both mum and child Merlion were standing.. child Merlion more pityful, dun even have water to shoot.. lolx!
but moz sad thing is tt they have got no visitors AT ALL!!! then going to die soon.. ya.. real soon...
went to take 124 at the bus stop outside Clifford Piere... waited for quite some time then only i realize that there wasn't any 124 on the sign board... hehehehe...
lucky got 131 though, then juz as i was going back to my seat, the bus came.
and i went all the way home..
thought of going to Telok Blangah Hill for some excercise after i got home and place my laptop. then ofcos change to my shoe cos i was wearing sandals.but.. i felt tired and was sleeping in the bus on my way home.. and besides my hair's gel-ed and i dun wanna get a sticky face, so i gave up the idea...Reflection Journaltoday felt so free, partly becos i'm a loner? hahaha... i'm alone and i can juz go anywhere freely and do wadever i wanna. yeh! tt's the best part of being steadless! haha.. if u noe wad i mean...but ofcos.. got true love still da best part in life...another reason is tt, long time din walk ard the crowded area in s'pore in my shorts liao.. now think abt it.. wadz there to be afraid of hairy legs? ppl show them too, ya? lolx... walking in shorts are so much freer.. ya..
Posted by 壁虎 at 11:06:00 PM
Some artistic cool pics i thought i've took...take a look?
Devil child..Red Hot.. but still cool, isn't it?
simply Artistic..wad else can i sae... ment to be like this..
cheerz!ment to look cool, together with the background! hah!
Bluez Electro!
hope all agree that this is a fantastic pic? hell yeah!sure hope ya like them... ;) more at my frendster photo album..http://valeon.blogs.friendster.com/photos/gecko/index.html
Posted by 壁虎 at 1:05:00 AM
Jim Tan Not Around!! Cool...
school starts at 8.30am, lesson starts at 11am!! huh? wad happen?
ooo... Jimmy is sick...
ya.. then how? everyone in class prepared to go home except for a few who wanted to stay due to some cca happing later on, guess only me and veron wanted to study in school?
however i din really study before a last minute relief fac come lar.. tt uncle Suhu...
the whole class in the morning was like students in class 1 day after their 'O' Levels exam.. all so relax and doing their own stuff like watching movies, gather around and chat, and stuff like tt.. i kinda miss those days.. haha
all waiting for the fac next door, kevin yap, to leave 1st then char bo cos they dun wanna be caught.
however, we were noticed that there will be a fac to attend our class at 11pm... and those that are still in sch, they decided not to leave, except for chee hoo, dunno wad he doing in school lar.
this Suhu didn't really give me a good impression at the beginning cos he was like quite block-like. he actually asked students 1 by 1 to give a point for the GIT... and his GIT was like so brief.. the abridged version, partly due to time limit?
he's slightly different from the other facs, they expected whole class to ans every single question from them, but suhu get his ans 1 by 1... i think it's better, at least the class not so noisy, however, people who wanna participate muz wait for their turn.. like me... lol
since class only left with 10 person, we splited into team of 5.. so.. 2 teams.
although we din really have got much time left, i.e. 2 hrs, we still managed to give a very good presentation, long time din give such fantastic results liao, tnx to ALL MY TEAMMATES (especially Veron, she rulz as a compiler)!!! i quite like our PPT eventhough it consist of 47 slides and took ard 1hr to present cos it covered a lot of stuff thoroughly. Current Thought: Din regret i stayed back without charbo-ing with the rest! however, i was quite dissapointed when moz of my new classmates turn out to be a "pon-ner"
Archery... *roll eyes*
no idea why, it all started good but ended badly in Archery... 2 days ago went to help out the training of yr 1s.. then due to the limited amt of bow, arrows, target board and stuff, the yr 2 can't train.. i don't think it is fair... ya.. like wad ailing said, nothing is fair in this world, ya?
everything was fine except that got PS-ed by benchin and faiz.. damn.. oways sae how much they like archery then in the end still dun come for training... if it wasn't for them, i think i'll juz give the reason that i sick and go home rest instead... $%#$%
anyway, i was quite satisfied in this duty though, atleast i got to interact with new people. then yesterday, i got pissed off by rr... she everyday oso PMS wan issit?
Hello? even i not gal i oso noe PMS not everyday throughout the year got one lor!
i noe i was wrong, but i wasn't doing it intentionally rite? plz get ur mind rite! and i apologised! has anything really spoiled? if not, you so pissed off for wad? even if yes, u pissed off oso no use lor?
plz cool down 1st before you ever piss anyone off unintentionally ok?
if such things goes on, i think i'll just quit archery since i dont have enough time for my own stuff.. and i don't even have the chance to train at all, and besides, ppl keep pissing me all the time and i still have to pay 10 bucks per mth for all this shit, NO WAY MAN!
My Estate Getting Upgraded!!
haiz, my hse getting upgraded soon... what came to your mind rite now muz be things like "gd wad, upgrade liao nicer, place bigger, new look..." and stuff like that... ya, i agree with how you see it, but how long will this thought last? perhaps not more then a month and you get bored with the surroundings again.. juz like getting into a new school and stuff...
besides, there are so much inconvenience that i have to endure.. currently it's still ok as it haven affect me at all.. but during the june holiday, i think it won't be like now... whole day stay at home gotta tahan the noice and air pollutent...
my toilet will be renovated... although i got 2 toiles, i hardly uses the one in the masterbed room cos i think it sux! eversince i moved in, i haven been using it for more then 10 times and hate stepping even 1 foot in, ya.
then if my fav toilet gets renovated, where should i bathe?????? durh....
this renovation thinngy is going on and on till dunno when... if next yr RP shift to woodlands and this is still going on, i'll need to wake up at... 5am juz to get downstairs and share the public toilet??
well, if got chio bu then i dun mind lar? muahahahah!!! no wait... i shy ar....
ok.. tt's all the shit i got for today...
Posted by 壁虎 at 8:25:00 PM