BGR. Not Blue Green Red, lah. ~_~
Now already 什么年代了? More and more people putting their legs into the territory of love man. BGR? 还有谁会大惊小怪?
Boyfriend, 你没有咩?连 gays 都有过不少 ex 咯。
Girlfriends 更不用讲, 现在有多少个 da po 还是 virgins 的( 除了我)?? Mai lao kui lar.
Statistics obvious enough to tell you that, 不用做 research, 有两立眼睛看的人都懂,满街都是 boy boy-girl girl 手牵手。跟你老爸老母年代比起来,现在情人满天下。
BGR 分 3 种。
1) True love.
2) Love.
3) Lust.
男生 majority go for lust.
女生 half-half go for love.
双双 fully really love 的,也很少机会走入 true love.
General equation of "modern love":
Ok maybe what i just wrote was full of crap.
Defination of love from the urban dick. Erm.. Urban Dictionary I mean.
An inexplainable yet incredibly strong feeling for someone...Most people
use the word "love" to get into someone else's pants. Love is overused in
today's world, people say they love someone because of the way they look or
their body. That isn't love. Love is when you can't do anything without thinking
about that person, you always want to be with them. It's not that you want to
have sex with them, you just want to spend time with them and you just want to
hold them and never let go. Love can be fooling, you can think you're in love
and it can lead to the most horrible feeling in the world. Also you can wait so
long for someone, loving them, and waiting for them to love you back, but they
don't return it for a long time and you spend years thinking and thinking and it
tears you up inside but when that person realizes that they love you back it's
miraculous. Love is a very strong word, don't overuse it.
So ya, have you got it yet? Not refering to the meaning of true love, but have you got loved and loved someone yet? Truly?
Heart thumping, cheek blushing, legs freezing, words stuttering, mind blanking... are they cliché, plain bullshits used in TV dramas and novels story lines or are they ever, and still as real?
Who knows?
Posted by 壁虎 at 1:18:00 AM 0 comments