List of -ologies and what they study
Acarology, the study of ticks and mites
Actinobiology, the study of the effects of radiation upon living organisms
Actinology, the study of the effect of light on chemicals
Aerobiology, a branch of biology that studies organic particles, such as bacteria, fungal spores, very small insects and pollen, which are passively transported by the air.
Aerology, the study of the atmosphere
Aetiology, the medical study of the causation of disease
Agnoiology, the study of things of which we are by nature ignorant, or of things which cannot be known
Agrobiology, the study of plant nutrition and growth in relation to soil conditions
Agrology, the branch of soil science dealing with the production of crops. Synonymous with agricultural science in Canada.
Agrostology, the study of grasses
Algology, the study of algae
Allergology, the study of the causes and treatment of allergies; a branch of medicine
Andrology, the study of male health and disease
Anesthesiology, the study of anesthesia and anesthetics; a branch of medicine
Angelology, the study of angels
Angiology, the study of the anatomy of blood and lymph vascular systems
Anthropology, the study of humans
Apiology, the study of bees (apiaries)
Arachnology, the study of spiders and their kind
Archaeology, the study of past cultures through the analysis of material remains
Archaeozoology, the study of relationships between humans and animals over time through examination of animal remains at archaeological sites (also see Zooarchaeology)
Areology, the study of Mars
Assyriology, the study of the Assyrians
Astacology, the study of crawfish
Asteroseismology, the study of the internal structures of stars as revealed by their oscillations (see also Helioseismology).
Astrobiology, the study of origin of life
Astrogeology, the study of geology of celestial bodies (e.g., planets, asteroids, comets)
Astrology, the study of the purported influence(s) of celestial bodies on earthly affairs
Astrometeorology: using astrology to forecast the weather
Atmology, the study of the laws and phenomena of aqueous vapors
Audiology, the study of hearing; a branch of medicine
Autecology, the study of the ecology of any individual species
Auxology, the study of human growth.
Axiology, the study of the nature of values and value judgements
Bacteriology, the study of bacteria and germs
Balneology, the science of the therapeutic use of baths
Barology, the study of gravitation
Batology, the study of brambles
Bibliology, the study of books
Bioecology, the study of interaction of life in the environment
Biology, the study of life
Bromatology, the study of food
Brontology, the scientific study of thunder
Campanology, the study and the art of bell ringing
Cardiology, the study of the heart
Cariology, the study of cells
Cereology, the study of crop circles
Cetology, the study of cetaceans - whales, dolphins, and porpoise
Characterology, the study of character
Christology, the theological study of redemption (christos > christein: to sacrament), not only speaking of Christianity but also extended to religion in general
Chorology, the study of the relationship of biological or other phenomena to their locations
Chronology the study of things in order of time or the study of time
Climatology, the study of the climate
Codicology, the study of the preparation of books and manuscripts (ink, paper, vellum etc)
Coleopterology, the study of beetles
Coniology, the study of dust in the atmosphere and its effects on plants and animals, also spelled "koniology"
Conchology, the study of shells and of molluscs
Contrology, a neologism for the Pilates method, a system of physical exercise
Cosmology, the study of the cosmos or our place in it
Cosmetology, the study of cosmetics and their use
Craniology, the study of the characteristics of the skull
Criminology, the scientific study of crime
Cryology, the study of very low temperatures and related phenomena.
Cryptology, the study of how to encrypt and decrypt secret messages
Cryptozoology, the study of animals that may or may not be mythical
Cynology, the study of dogs
Cytomorphology, the study of the structure of cells
Cytology, the study of cells
Deltiology, the study of, but more often the collecting of, picture postcards
Demonology, the study of demons
Dendrochronology, the study of the age of trees and the records in their rings
Dendrology, the study of trees
Deontology, in ethics, the study of duty.
Dermatology, the field of medicine that deals with the skin
Dermatopathology, the field of dermatological anatomical pathology
Desmology, the study of ligaments
Dialectology, the study of dialects
Dipterology, the study of flies
Diabetology, the study of diabetes mellitus
Dragonology, the study of dragons
Ecclesiology, the study of Church architecture and decoration, or separately the study of the Christian Church
Ecogeomorphology, or biogeomorphology, the study of interactions between organisms and geomorphological processes
Ecohydrology, the study of interactions among organisms and the water cycle.
Ecology, the study of the interrelationships between living organisms and their environment. Sometimes spelled "œcology".
Economic geology is concerned with earth materials that can be utilized for economic and/or industrial purposes.
Ecophysiology, the study of the interrelationship between an organism's physical functioning and its environment
Edaphology, a branch of soil science that studies the influence of soil on life.
Egyptology, the study of the ancient Egyptians
Electrophysiology, the study of the relationship between electric phenomena and bodily processes
Embryology, the study of embryos
Emetology, the study or knowledge of emetics
Endocrinology, the study of internal secretory glands
Ecchinology, the study of cheeses.
Enigmatology, the study of puzzles
Enology (or Oenology), the study of wine and winemaking
Entomology, the study of insects
Enzymology, the study of enzymes
Epidemiology, the study of the origin and spread of diseases
Epistemology, the study of the nature and origins of knowledge
Escapology, the practice of escaping from restraints or other traps.
Eschatology, a branch of theology concerned with the final events in the history of the world or of mankind
Ethnology, the study of race
Ethnomusicology, the study of music in society, usually non-western music
Ethology, the study of animal behaviour
Etiology, same as Aetiology
Etymology, the study of word origins
Evolutionary biology, the study of the process of biological evolution
Evolutionary psychology, the study of the process of (usually) human psychological evolution.
Exobiology, the study of life in outer space
Felinology, the study of cats
Ferroequinology, the study of railways, particularly locomotives.
Fetology, the study of the fetus, especially when within the uterus. Sometimes spelled foetology.
Formicology, the study of ants
Fungology, see mycology.
Futurology, the study of the future
Garbology, the study of refuse and trash
Gastrology or Gastroenterology, the study of diseases of stomach and intestines
Gemmology or Gemology, the study of gemstones and ornamental materials
Genealogy (commonly misspelled and mispronounced as "geneology"), the study of relationships within families particularly with a view to constructing family trees
Genecology, the study of genetic differences in relation to the environment
Geobiology, the study of the biosphere and its relations to the lithosphere and atmosphere.
Geochronology, the study of the age of the Earth
Geology, the study of the Earth
Geomorphology, the study of present-day landforms, traditionally on Earth but with increasing frequency on nearby planetary objects
Gerontology, the study of old age
Glaciology, the study of glaciers
Grammatology, the study of writing systems. Also the study of deconstructive literary criticism, popularized in the 1960s by Jacques Derrida
Graphology, the study of handwriting for the purpose of analysing the character of the writer
Grossology, the study of gross (slang) and disgusting things. Fictional; book title
Gynaecology or Gynecology, the study of medicine relating to women, or of women in general
Hematology/Haematology, the study of blood
Heliology, the study of the sun
Helioseismology, the study of vibrations and oscillations in the sun
Helminthology, the study of parasitic worms. See Vermeology.
Hepatology, the study of the liver; a branch of medicine
Herbology, the study of the therapeutic use of plants
Herpetology, the study of reptiles and amphibians
Heteroptology, the study of true bugs
Hieroglyphology, Egyptian hieroglyphics, an ancient writing system
Hierographology, the study of sacred texts
Hierology, a more inclusive term for theology
Hippology, study of horses
Histology, the study of living tissues
Histopathology, the study of the (microscopic) structure of diseased tissues
Historiology, the study of the writings and practices of historians
Horology, the study of making timepieces, measuring time and timekeeping (also the study of time)
Hydrogeology, the study of underground water
Hydrology, the study of water
Hypnology, the study of sleep (also: somnology)
Ichnology, the study of fossil footprints, tracks, and burrows
Ichthyology, the study of fish
Ideology, the study of ideas throughout society both socially,politically,historically and literary
Immunology, the study of the immune system
Indology, the study of the history, languages, and cultures of the Indian subcontinent
Iranology, the study of history, literature, art and culture of Iran (Persia)
Islamology, the study of the Islam
Japanology, the study of Japanese people
Karyology, the study of karyotypes (a branch of cytology)
Killology, the study of human beings killing other human beings (Grossman's theory)
Kinesiology, the study of movement in relation to human anatomy
Kremlinology, the study of the Soviet Union
Kymatology, the study of waves or wave motions
Laryngology, the study of the larynx, or voice box; a branch of medicine
Lepidopterology, the study of butterflies and moths
Lexicology, the study of the signification and application of words
Limnology, the study of fresh water environments, particularly lakes
Lithology, the study of rocks
Ludology, the study of video games
Lymphology, the study of the lymph system and glands
Malacology, the study of mollusks
Mammalogy, the study of mammals
Mereology, a branch of logic focusing on the study of part-whole relationships
Meteorology, the study of weather
Methodology, (properly) the study of methods
Metrology, the study of measurement
Microbiology, the study of micro-organisms.
Micrology, the science of preparing and handling microscopic objects for study.
Mineralogy, the study of minerals
Missiology, the study of missions and missionary work
Mixology, the study or skill of preparing mixed drinks.
Molinology, the study of windmills, watermills and animal engines.
Morphology, the study of forms that is used in several other fields (biology, linguistics, astronomy, etc.)
Museology, the study of museum management.
Musicology, the study of music
Mycology, the study of fungi
Myology the scientific study of muscles
Myrmecology, the study of ants
Mythology, the study of myths
Nanotechnology, the study and design of machines at the molecular level
Nanotribology, the study of friction on a very small (atomic) scale
Nematology, the study of nematodes
Neonatology, the study of diseases and the care of newborn infants; a branch of pediatrics/paediatrics
Nephology, the study of clouds
Nephrology, the study of the kidneys and their diseases, a branch of medicine
Neurology, the study of nerves
Neuropathology, the study of neural diseases
Neurophysiology, the study of the functions of the nervous system
Nosology, the study of disease classification
Numerology, the study of numbers (often in a non-mathematical sense)
Nutriology, the study of nutrition
Oceanology, the study of oceans
Odonatology, the study of dragonflies and damselflies
Odontology, the study of the structure, development, and abnormalities of the teeth
Oenology, the study of wine
Omnology, the study of everything
Oncology, the study of cancer
Oneirology, the study of dreams
Onomatology, the study of proper names
Ontology, the study of existence
Oology, the study of eggs
Ophthalmology, the study of the eyes
Organology, the study of musical instruments (not just organs); alternatively, the study of anatomical organs
Ornithology, the study of birds
Orology, the study of mountains and their mapping
Orthopterology, the study of grasshoppers and crickets
Osteology, the study of bones
Otolaryngology, the study of the ear and throat; a branch of medicine
Otology, the study of the structure, function, and pathology of the ear
Otorhinolaryngology, the same as otolaryngology
Paleoanthropology, the study of prehistoric people and human origins
Paleobiology, the study of prehistoric life
Paleobotany, the study of prehistoric metaphytes (i.e., multicellular plants)
Paleoclimatology, the study of prehistoric climates
Paleoecology, the study of prehistoric environments by analyzing fossils and rock strata
Paleontology, the study of fossils of ancient life
Paleophytology (see "paleobotany"), the study of ancient multicelled plants
Paleozoology, the study of prehistoric metazoans (i.e., multicellular animals)
Palynology, the study of pollen
Parapsychology, the study of paranormal or psychic phenomenon that defy conventional scientific explanations
Parasitology, the study of parasites
Pathology, the study of illness
Pedology (soil study), one of two main branches of soil science
Pedology (children study), the study of children's behavior and development
Penology, the study of prison management and criminal rehabilitation.
Personology, a variant of physiognomy
Petrology, the study of rocks and the conditions by which they form
Pharmacology, the study of drugs
Phenology, the study of periodic biological phenomena such as flowering, migration, breeding, etc.
Phenomenology, the study and science of phenomena as distinct from the science of actual existence or being; also a movement founded by Husserl which studies conscious experience without its metaphysical concerns
Philology, the study of a language together with its literature
Phlebology, a branch of medicine that deals with the venous system
Phonology, the study of vocal sounds
Phrenology, the derivation of a persons character traits, by studying the shape of their skull
Phycology, the study of algae
Physiology, the study of mechanical, physical, and biochemical functions of living organisms
Phytology, the study of plants; botany
Phytopathology ("Plant pathology"), the study of plant diseases
Phytosociology, the study of the ecology of plant communities
Piphilology, the mnemonic practice of writing sentences such that the numbers of letters in the words correspond to the consecutive digits of pi
Planetology, the study of planets and solar systems; more commonly called Planetary science
Planktology, the study of plankton
Pneumology, a synonym of Pulmonology
Pomology, the scientific study and cultivation of fruits
Posology, the study of drug dosage
Primatology, the study of primates
Proctology, the study of the hind regions (rectum, anus, colon and pelvic floor) of the body
Psephology, the study, especially statistical, of elections.
Psychobiology, the study and psychology of organisms with regard to their functions and structures
Psychology, the study of mental processes in living creatures
Psychopathology, the study of the mental processes within mental illness or disorders
Psychopharmacology, the study of psychotropic or psychiatric drugs
Psychophysiology, the study of the physiological bases of psychological processes
Pulmonology, the specialty in medicine that deals with diseases of the lungs and the respiratory tract
Radiology, the study of rays, usually ionising radiation
Redology, the study of the classical Chinese literary masterpiece Dream of the Red Chamber
Reflexology, originally the study of reflexes or of reflex responses; but see also non-study list
Rheology, the study of flow
Rheumatology, the study of rheumatic diseases, a branch of medicine
Rhinology, the study of the nose and its diseases
Ripperology, the study of Jack the Ripper and the crimes associated with him
Sarcology, a subsection of anatomy that studies the soft parts. It includes myology, angiology, neurology, and splanchnology
Scatology, the study of feces
Scientology, the applied study of science created by American writer L. Ron Hubbard
Sedimentology, a branch of geology that studies sediments.
Seismology, the study of earthquakes
Selenology, the study of the moon
Semiology, the study of signs
Semitology, the study of Semitic cultures
Serology, the study of blood serum
Serpentology, the study of snakes
Sexology, the study of sex
Sindonology, the study of the Shroud of Turin
Sinology, the study of China
Sitiology, dietetics, the study of diet. Also, a treatise on diet. Also spelled "sitology"
Sociology, the study of society
Sociobiology, the study of the effect of evolution on ethology
Somnology, the study of sleep, also: hypnology
Somatology, study of human characteristics
Soteriology the study of the doctrine of salvation, especially as related to Christianity
Sovietology, the study of communist Soviet Union
Speleology, the study or exploration of caves
Splanchnology, the study of the viscera
Sporalogy, a parody of astrology
Stemmatology, a discipline that attempts to reconstruct the transmission of a text (especially a text in manuscript form) on the basis of relations between the various surviving manuscripts
Stomatology, the estudy of the mouth and its diseases.
Sumerology, the study of the Sumerians.
Symbology, the study and interpretation of symbols, or a set of symbols. Also used for types of barcodes
Symptomatology, the study of symptoms
Synecology, the study of the ecological interrelationships among communities of organisms
Syphilology, the study of syphilis
Taxology, a synonym for taxonomy
Technology, the study of the practical arts (but see above)
Teleology, the study of ends or final causes
Teratology, the study of wonders, or monsters
Terminology, the usage and study of terms.
Thanatology, the study of physical, psychological and social problems associated with dying.
Thermology, the study of heat.
Theology, the study of God or gods
Tibetology, the study of Tibet
Tocology, the study of childbirth, sometimes spelled "tokology".
Tonology, the study of intonation in speech
Topology, the mathematical study of closeness and connectedness
Toxicology, the study of poisons
Traumatology, the study of wounds and injuries caused by accidents or assaults and their surgical treatment and repair; a branch of medicine
Tribology, the study of friction and lubrication
Trichology, the study of hair and the scalp
Typology, the study of classification
Ufology, the study of Unidentified flying object (UFO) phenomena.
Universology, the science of the universe, and the relations which it involves.
Unology, the science and study of unity in all of its forms.
Uranology, the branch of physics that studies celestial bodies and the universe as a whole.
Urbanology, the study of urban problems, esp. as a social science.
Urology, the study and treatment of diseases of the urogenital tract, a branch of medicine. Sometimes spelled "ourology".
Uroradiology, uxamination of the urinary tract by radiological techniques.
Vaccinology, the study of vaccines
Velology, the study of motor vehicle tax discs.[1]
Venereology, the study of venereal diseases
Vexillology, the study of flags
Victimology, the study of victims of crime, often applied to characterizing the criminal
Virology, the study of viruses
Volcanology (also spelled vulcanology), the study of volcanoes and related phenomena (traps)
Xenobiology, the study of non-terrestrial life
Xylology, the study of wood
Zooarchaeology, the study and analysis of animal remains at archaeological sites to reconstruct relationships between people, animals, and their environment (also see Archaeozoology)
Zoology, the study of animals
Zoopathology ("Animal pathology"), the study of animal diseases
Zoopsychology, the study of mental processes in animals
Zymology, the study of fermentation
Posted by 壁虎 at 2:48:00 AM
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