Monday, April 14, 2008

RP life at CAB


u eat not bcos the food is tasty, not because u are hungry, but bcos u got nth to do and food is all u see.
u slp not becos u enjoy slping, not becos the wether is nice, not becos u have done everything and u've got nth better to do, but bcos u are too tired, or becos u have to slp so that u wont feel tired when on duty.
and all u did on your duty is nth interesting, nth exciting, but rather a daily routine, daily routine of standing at guard post, checking vehicles and personels coming into base, saluting the high rankers. or even worst, u just sit down at one of the emplacement looking at the airforce planes taking off and landing, or u see planes at changi airpot doing the same shit flying and landing. worst thing is, u cant slp, eat, and do things u are not allowed to just becos eyes are watching on you, cameras are pointing towards you. and if u got caught, u just continue doing duties when others bk out on their off days.


RP aka Regimental Policeman (Security guard of air base only lar sia, machiam cisco?)
CAB aka Changi Airbase

Posted by 壁虎 at 9:45:00 PM


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