What is the verb of "sex"?
We have got "eat", sleep", "dance", "talk", "walk", "wear", "swear" and blah blah blah for our verbs being used and appeared in our English dictionary.
However, I recently discovered something that some might not know. What is the verb of "sex"?
Well, "Sex" is a noun. Don't tell me "Fuck" is the verb of "sex". "Fuck" IS a verb of "sex", but however, it is also a taboo. Doesn't sound very nice to use it right?
Just imagine a newly wed wife said to one of her girl friend, "Hey, I fuck my husband last night and it was romantic." @_@
We have got sentences like:
"I had dinner with her last night."
By using a verb, we change the sentence to:
"I ate with her last night."
But how about, sex?
"I had sex with her last night."
That's corect. But how about using a verb?
"I sex her last night."?
No that's a noun.
"I fuck her last night."?
No, I said IT'S A TABOO!
Oh well, let's do it this way then,
"I ate her last night."
Sounds not too bad though. =DDDD
Posted by 壁虎 at 8:31:00 AM
oh ya! didnt realise that!
actually, it would be incorrect to say that there's no verb for the act of having sex leh cuz to fuck is to have sex, like how to eat is to have a meal or to consume food. and u r right, fuck is a verb for having sex.
like how u can say 'i ate last night', or 'i jogged last night' or 'i studied last night', u can also say 'i fucked last night'! it's just that usually, one who say who he/she fucked i.e. 'last night, i fucked a girl whom i picked up from a club'.
the thing about the word 'fuck' being a taboo, well, words only become taboo after we made it into a taboo. well, would u not say u need to shit when u have to go to the toilet to erhm, shit? i've heard a lot of people having no qualms about telling someone else that they have to go shit. of course, i would rather just say i need to go to the toilet & provide no info about what i'm going to do in there. but the point is to tell someone that u have to go to shit does sound a bit unpleasant don't ya think? but many people have no problem with that. so it's actually right to say 'i fucked my wife last night' when a mate asked u what u did last night, it's just that it sounds uncouth. i'm sure the word 'shit' isn't a taboo but it has become some sort of a profanity, since people use the term as a form of profanity now. but 1) the word 'shit' wasn't meant to be a profanity at first. just like how 'fuck' simply meant 'to have sex', 'shit' meant bodily excretement, but then just like a lot of things in the world, lanuage developes as well, and then it became some sort of a profanity, 2) 'shit' is quite unpleasant to the ears, even when it's not used as a profanity, but people seem to be ok with using it compared to using 'fuck' to refer to having sex simply because we've gotten used to it. so, one day, it may be really not that unsusual to hear people say 'i fucked so and so'... i don't know when that day is going to come though haha... but actually, a lot of american/ british teens (who i see as sex crazy) do use the term like there's nothing wrong at all with using it (i'm sure u've heard them speak in those english dramas or check out urban dictionary 'dot' com if u want)...
so my point is that, i'm not sure if 'fuck' is the "official" verb for engaging in sexual activity but it surely is verb that refers to that act. also, 'fuck' is only a "taboo" only because our current society made it to be. also, 'fuck' is not a taboo lah, it's just a profanity. there's a difference between taboo and profanity. and in conservative societies, even sex is a taboo in public discussion can? sure, we discuss about sex openly, especially in the younger generation, but surely not as openly as the people in less conservative socieites do. plus, how often do u hear someone telling his/ her friend 'i had sex with so-and-so yesterday'. usually, they would use some other more round-about way to say it, if they really have to let people know. lastly, i reckon it would be wrong to say that 'fuck' is not a verb for having sex just because it's a profanity. grammar rules are grammar rules, a verb is still a verb whether or not it's unpleasant to the ears or not.
another long comment from me... just providing an opinion but people don't have to agree with me. well, it's interesting that u actually thought about this in the first place! hahaha... eh, surely there's some activities out there that doesn't have a verb for it?
Yes, another very LONG comment from u unexpectedly. i havent been posting my blog frequently but still got people come and see see, quite happy about that.
syl, i said "Fuck" is a verb, just that it's a taboo. I didn't say it isn't a verb for sex. But well, from the cool urban dict it seems nice. I'm glad people's mind are changing and becoming more open to things like this. Just don't go over the limit and exploit them (which is common instead =__=).
Thanks so much for this article, quite effective piece of writing.
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