I'm so damn serious about photography. Had never been so dedicated before.
Firstly, I apologise for my partial hiatus. Had been dwelling on individual photoblogs at the time being, and apart from that, I'm kinda occupied with cameras - researching on the different types of cameras from Single-Lens Reflex (SLR) to the usual compact cameras like Canon PowerShot and Canon IXUS. The one and only brand I fixed my eyes on was obviously Canon. A lot of great photoblogs had photos taken using a Canon EOS 20D, and that was just what I craved for.
Image taken by Justin Ouellette, owner of chromogenic.net.
But however, It's freaking expensive. Just because it's an SLR. Cost of a SLR ranges from SGD1500 to SGD15000, I guess I could only dream of getting one right now, unless I strike lottery and hit the jackpot. So please, strike me with lightning instead, that's an easier option.
Image taken with a Canon EOS 20D with a EF 17-40 f/4L USM zoom lense, by David J. Nightingale, owner of chromasia. Post-processed.
Any experianced photographers here, tell me if there's a difference in image quality between and SLR and a compact camera. And also, the type of images that could be captured. So far I only managed to stumble across photoblogs which provided information stating that photographs were taken from mostly a Canon EOS or a Nikon D70. Lenses used were mainly zoom lense, why not the standard lenses? Should all photos be processed (photoshopped) in order to obtain great photographs?
Image taken with a Nikon D70, by JR, owner of J.R. PHOTOBlog. Post-processed, I guess.
For those who had changed your blog address and noticed me, I'll get them updated soon. And for the rest, do check out my other updated links on the right, a lot of great photoblogs ahead to get you mesmerized, especially to 芦苇草.
Image taken by Miles, owner of MUTE. Post-processed.
Photoblogs maybe in Japanese or Dutch or whatsoever, but heck! A picture speaks a thousand words, of universal languages!
Image taken with Canon EOS 5D, by Kathleen Connally, owner of A Walk Through Durham Township. Post-processed.
That's all for now, hopefully, I'm blogging again soon. And thanks for the regular returning even though the blog was left stagnant. Tag me, I'll still be checking out my blog on
Image taken from a review of Canon EOS 20D. Post-processed by me.
Image taken from a review of Canon EOS 20D. Post-processed by me.
What's the difference between a good photographer, and a great photographer?
"Being able to capture what you see as the essence of a scene..." - David J. Nightingale
"Being able to capture the essence of a scene, and the emotions with it." - GeckoZ
Posted by 壁虎 at 5:10:00 PM
wah...someone very pro hor?
If one day you become a pro photographer, every year...I make photo vedio for you :)
I dunno I how pro, got how much skill leh, I haven't try it on a Canon EOS 20D before. Muahahaha~
If i get a good camera, I'll probably change my blog into a photoblog and come out with 1 photo per day like any other photoblogs around. So 1 year I'll have around 365 photos for you to video it. Hahahahaha...
I don't mind if you want me to do it!
要拍好照片,其使用简单的手机拍照也可以噢~ 这是从我一个爱好照相的同时那里学来的(暗:不是芦苇)
但我常常一次都拍上60到150张照片,如果要送入电脑那会很麻烦,也很烦,因为是一张一张 infra red 的。
还有手机没 manual manipulations,出来的结果尽管好看,但毕竟不是自己真正想要的效果。
现在开始从学校图书馆借了好多摄影的书籍,看看怎么拍出好照片,怎么选相机,怎么 photoshop。还有也借了一台 Casion Digicam, 发现相机尽管有点旧,但是照片还是拍得不错。
我知道你同事是男生叫 Kelvin。不是芦苇。
我喜欢他 Old Sigma SA-300n & APS shots 里,第一面的照片!拍得超好!
I'm so cash strapped now that I can't afford a camera. I'm stucked with my Kodak CX4310 which is nothing more than a normal digi-cam.
Might be going for a semi professional one if I have the money. IF.
hey Jasper, i think, for my current experiances, the normal compact digicam and a professional SLR makes VERY BIG difference in the picture quality. but however right, everything could be solved using photoshop.
for the past weeks i had been having hands on on 3 digi cams. 2 are compact digi, and the other one a prosumer. i get good images with the help of photoshop.
check out my photoblog:
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