It’s all about money.
Mom had been bugging me to hand over my past year’s savings from my mini piggy bank
They look more like karang guni’s barang barang.
Somehow, you could reckon that I was busy, busy trying to be lazy. I wasn’t aware of how many eggs I nested till she counted them for me. The notes were folded into origami hearts to make slotting easy. Easy way in, but difficult way out. The method “by-hook-or-by-crook” do not work in such a situation. “By-dig-and-by-shake” way is adapted as the one and only solution, but still, it takes a century to get the money all out. And that should partially explain why I don’t use my savings for phone bills, transport, food and et cetera. Getting money from parents are relatively more convenient.
Girls nowadays very demanding. I’m doing all these just in case I had to fold nine hundred and ninety nine hearts out of bright-red ten dollar notes to propose.
Finally I decided to empty my already-stuffed mini bank today since I need more space for the new year. Then I came across quite a lot of things I had almost lost them in my memories. The treasured tokens I once collected, the old notes I’ve got from yesteryear and before, and the ancient 50 cents coins of the olden Singapore. Those arcade tokens are holy to me. I used them to make decisions by tossing their heads and tails. Presently all arcades are already using some smart card and normal 50 cents coins, these tokens became more precious.
Money and tokens that are on the verge of extinction. Tokens from Wywy Wonder Space, Clack Quey, E-zone, Chimsy, and I-forgot-what.
Old cash are cleared, here comes the new cash don in the over-sized red packets. Furthermore, I get to eat more of my favourite “cash-you” nuts – the nuts in kidney shape. I’m expecting mental-high from all these incoming cash already!
Being a Singaporean, how can I not have the new plastic notes immediately? Not because it’s Singapore’s currency, but rather, because I have the trait of kiasuness.
If 4D strikes me or I strike 4D, whichever the sequence is, I would probably be very happy this Chinese New Year. That’s how new year wishes like “Wishing you prosperity, good luck, and happiness” should be granted! Haha!
My first and last tickets so far. I’m a responsible player, not a full time gambler.
I came across this interesting picture. Take off your coloured glasses before looking, or enjoying it. Thank you.
Is it “no money, no honey”, or “no honey, no money”?
Money is the root of all evil, but also the mojo to certain impossible.
Forgive me for showing you all the crumpled notes. It's just that I don't have the habit of money-ironing.
Posted by 壁虎 at 5:25:00 AM
How to fold the heart?!
cockroach, you can check out the steps here
Wah! Didn't know you are that rich.
Richer than me! >_<
小嫒,if you change most of your $100, $50 and $10 into $2 notes and take a shot with all your notes lying around, you will look like a millionair!
Where's the $2? Your pix show a pile of $50, $10 and $5 bills lor.
I don't have so much money at hand lah. Most of my hard-earned money was used to pay off school fees. >_<
Wonder if you are interested in sponsoring for my Bachelor degree?
Bachelor degree? how much? $50, $10 and $5 enough??
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