After eating a whole tube of Mentos, the Freshmaker, within just one day, I realized that my urine is producing faint scent of Mentos, without the freshness. I'm thinking if my urine tasted sweet, since the smell was there.
Mentos now comes in three sizes. Large, medium and small. Medium size are higly recommanded in minimizing the risk of diabetes.
I shall look out for ants around the toilet bowl later.
Sorry for this disgusting post, but however, I felt that this should be shared across. Please never attempt to consume Mentos again if no one else intends to share at least a handful with you. You are the one drowning ants in your pee in the end. And that's a sin.
If chewing cannot be resisted, then air chewing is strongly suggested. Excess chewing is good for the mind, excess sugar is certainly not.
I hope you have not lost your desire for sweet stuff yet. Period.
I still misses the spearmint Mentos.
Posted by 壁虎 at 11:48:00 PM
plus, eatting too much mint is not good for guys...sperm will not work as good as other guys in furture.
Wah, I cannot live without mint. Neither can I live with inferior sperm. How?
HiyeE Geckoz You can look out for ants around the toilet bowl but dun do anything further than that. To test out if it is sweet. LOL~!!!!
And to ur question. There's nothing to ask how. EITHER THIS OR THAT~! hahahaa MAKE UR CHOICE. LOLZ~!~
stephne, Good news!! No ants!!
Maybe I only continue eating mint after being a father?
bren, I heard about chewing gums before, wearing out the joints. But I guess, if you don't open your mouth so wide when you chew, things gonna be within acceptable limit right? Just chew for the sake of salivation.
Seriously, I failed my Molecular and Cell Biology. All pathways I came across are the routes that aliens came from.
oohh man! i was justing taking my very first bite into my ba gua when i started reading your post~~~~~~~~~~
"When you read, don't eat. When you eat, don't read."
You are eating ba gua at a wrong timing. This is how accidents happens!
Molecular and Cell Biology very interesting what.
I'm quite good in my pathophysiology. If need be, I can help you (sit for exam).
I only know MCB is very chim with all the different pathways and the abbreviations in ABCDEFG12345.
Great work!
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Great work!
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