Wednesday, November 16, 2005



壁虎常常回到 Queenstown 家乡打 pool.







看我 post 长长的,其实我呆在里面不到十分钟。。
因为,约了 Faj 打 pool 已经迟到了!!!


"Trespasser Will Be Shot Dead"

Posted by 壁虎 at 3:07:00 AM


  1. Anonymous Anonymous posted at 11/17/2005 2:18 AM  
    didn't expect there to be a new post (since you've been updating less frequently lately) but thought i would just drop by & have a look.

    didn't intend to leave any comments initially but can't help it cuz *small voice* you have quite a lot of typos in this post so I thought I should let you know... i mean since u aspire to be a good, popular blogger unlike me who blogs just for myself. anyway, i think the sentence that you typed: 没两年也有三年吧 should be: 没三年也有两年吧... & it's 相机 not 像机... think there were some more errors u got check carefully yourself.

    gotta go... i'll reply the messages u left on my Multiply some other time... hope u find the biscuits in NTUC! & sorry i'm not your 娘亲 (i not so old & i'm human not lizard) & y would i 私奔 with my husband? *scratch head*

    btw, i didn't know ur dad was a prison officer! no wonder somebody NPCC lah... i wanted to join NPCC also but then my mom didn't allow. sorry i'm ignorant but does that mean your daddy had a gun? always wanted to be a police person or have my own gun... btw, i had an English teacher in Secondary school who couldn't stand my class & went to teach in the prison after he left my school =X
  2. Blogger 壁虎 posted at 11/17/2005 7:17 PM  
    didn't expect u to fall... no, i mean drop by, since u said u wouldn't be online for a fortnight.

    actually after the publish i re-read again, and ya, FOUND A LOT OF TYPO!!!!!
    i edited. but now u found more.
    got hole? i wanna hide my face.

    y ur mum dun allow u joining NPCC?
    my dad got no gun lar, batton only.. but i'm not sure if he did escort prisoners to hospitals before, which requires a gun for that mission.
    u wants to be related to police for the sake of a gun ar?
    wah! u really 胸有大志!
    dun 羡慕 ur cher, he/she wun get a chance to hold a gun anyway =P
  3. Blogger Lionel Tan posted at 11/17/2005 7:34 PM mom don't allows me to join uniform groups also. :(
  4. Blogger 壁虎 posted at 11/17/2005 7:39 PM  
    why liddat?
    join uniform group wun die wan, no need go for war wan.
  5. Blogger Xiaoxin (小心) posted at 11/17/2005 11:44 PM  
    eh? 好有趣哦!原来你住的地方那么特别的!
    im from uniform group too!! *hi-five*
  6. Blogger Lionel Tan posted at 11/17/2005 11:51 PM  
    eh...because uniform group's unifrom, shoes blah blah blah very heard to wash...hahaha
  7. Blogger 壁虎 posted at 11/18/2005 1:02 AM  
    小心 Hi 5!! 你哪个团体的? SJAB??? 还是 GB??
    以前有在电视上看过 Queenstown Remand Prison,拍监狱的时候,不是 Changi 就是 Queenstown 了。不过都是拍外面,其实里面宿舍更好看!


    Cockroach!! O_o?? shoes? got shoes meh? is boots leh! cannot + no need wash wan!!
    and my uniform is damn stink wan, long long was 1 time only!
  8. Anonymous Anonymous posted at 11/18/2005 3:01 AM  
    eh, just to reply ur comment...i think i'll die if i dun come online for 2 weeks... what i mean is that i most probably won't blog & leave long comments... anyway need to check my school email regularly so just pop & pay ur blog a visit. who knows ended up leaving quite a long comment... but haven't being online as often already.

    eh, mommy dun let me join uniform groups for a few reasons lah. 1) she thinks uniform groups take up too much time. cuz got drills in the morning, then often need to go out of school for some activities (those that need parents consent), need to prepare for orientation, during holidays got camp etc... cuz my elder sis was in Girl Guides & my mommy say took up a lot of time so imagine NPCC. 2)mommy say if i join Band still not so bad (even though also very time consuming) cuz dun need to waste so much physical energy like NPCC... i very unfit & was sickly last time so my mommy say dun join & give people trouble only... 3) mommy also scared later must help me iron uniform, polish shoes etc... but surprisingly, ended up both my sisters from uniform group (my younger sis in SJAB)...

    i wanted to be come a policewomen for some stupid reasons la...1) uniform very nice wor... (I used to think so but later wanted to be a plain clothes police cuz the uniform will never look good on me & watched too much Hongkong CID dramas), 2) i strongly believed in justice when i was young & wanted to catch all bad people... but now i think people catch me hai cha bu duo, 3) yar la i want a gun la.

    i never envy my teacher... i was just thinking that my class must have driven him nuts for him to give up on us & rather go to teach the imates in prison. but i think teaching in prison is not a bad job (i dunno about the pay la & i dun think u would get much satisfaction from doing it) cuz i think those who want to study in prison should be given a chance & to teache there you are giving them a chance & helping them... I'm someone who believes that some people are born bad & some people are born good (some other people will think other ways & argue that everyone is born good but somehow some people turn bad along the way)BUT this doesn't mean that people shouldn't be given a second chance. Everyone & anyone deserves a second chance, even 3rd, 4th, 5th chance unless he proves to everyone that no matter how many chances he is given he would not be repetent & change... aiyah study too much Criminology already (i studies Crim... anyway it's B-O-I-N-G so I dropped it after a year).
  9. Blogger 壁虎 posted at 11/18/2005 8:15 AM  
    you cant controll urself when u are stepping on the lizard's ground~

    ya, i agree with ur mom that uniform groups are time consuming.
    sometimes not enuff time i will juz heckcare it, but the other squard mates will juz keep calling, not pestering you, trying to "convince" you to go.
    then even N lvl and O lvl still got training.
    but i think only applicable for my sch lar, cos they aiming for a Gold since they last time always win.

    i think u can join being a trumpeter, ur fingers can tahan since u oways type long long comments and post!
    but breath wise....
    muahaha.. not so sure.

    polish boots is ownself do wan!!
    i doubt ur mom knows how to polish boots, lar.
    and uniform group got disipline wan, where got ask parents polish boots for u wan?!?!?!
    the most i ask my mum to help me with washing and ironing only.

    how did ur younger sis manage to join while u cant?

    dun join coz of uniform, u might regret if u cant adapt to the time and endurence.
    in my case as an NPCC,
    the uniform damn nice wan rite?
    but every time they will end up asking for tip top condition, then u will have to polish ur boots till it shines ur teeth white, polish the wadever badges u gained buring the test, polish ur whistle that is hiding inside ur pocket (budden now no more whistle liao) and stuff..
    so other then in school rite, at home it also consumes ur time, lar.
    i dunno abt how tip-top are expected in other sch though.
    my uniform is never tip-top.
    always kena pump and punished.
    and oh ya, i look dumb on my NPCC uniform.

    catch bad ppl no use, need judge to give verdict wan.
    i think u cant keep the gun at home eh, and the uniform police's revolver not very nice oso eh~~
    CID wan nice, budden how many are there in S'pore?
    hardly seen their gun.

    how did Criminlogy got a link with media?????
  10. Blogger Xiaoxin (小心) posted at 11/20/2005 10:49 PM  
  11. Blogger 壁虎 posted at 11/20/2005 10:58 PM  
    哦!ya hor!上次看到你的 post,你是 percussionist!!!
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