壁虎经过一个 blog pal 的 blog 时,发现了一个叫 SgOle 的 forum.
Forum 正在举办网上 K-歌比赛。
这 forum 算不上顶顶有名、家喻户晓,参赛的也只有蚂蚁两三只。
有些水准和壁虎相差没多少,都是一群半桶水,五音不全,唱得上气不接下气的 tone-deaf。
Garang Guni 也有在废物堆里找到宝藏的一天!
P.S: 壁虎相信很多读者品味应该都很“特别”!
Jason 这种歌声、舞姿都能够在擂台里逗留那么久。。
又没 Derrick 可爱,
又没 Kelvin 可怜,
也没 Leon 会跳舞,
更没 Jun Yang 会唱歌!
(如果有读者真喜欢 Jason,无需向我报告你对他的支持,他不是此 post 的主角)
关于 Jason 的事,那只是用来做做效果。
还希望读者别放在心上 ^_^
Posted by 壁虎 at 11:45:00 PM
hey i saw the SgOle site from ur fren's site as well... interesting... listened to some of the contestants... well, since the contestants can remain anonymous and the competition is nothing serious i guess i would expect some really bad singing... but there's still just a few who r not too bad...
btw, i think Project Superstar is a LOUSY show! Not that i dun think it's interesting or badly made... i think it's far better than Singapore Idol and though I can't get to watch it, I'm always frequenting the show's microsite... BUT! i think the producer's and judges' ding(4) yi(4) of a superstar is screwed! i seriously dun understand how weilian can last in the competition till now... i agree tt he sings very well... and if the competition is named ge(1) yi(4) bi(3) sia(4) or ge(1) chang(4) bi(3) sai(4) weilian should definitely be one of the top remainding contestants (if there's no power singer like junyang, weilian could easily win)... but hello, the show is title project SUPERSTAR! i'm not saying that just because weilian is visual handicap so he dun deserve to win or stay so long in the competition. everyone should be given a chance and even a disability is a possibility BUT SUPERSTAR means not only being able to sing but being able to dance, to interact with the audience (erhm requires eye contact), and stage performance... aren't all these criteria the basic criteria of a singer(not even a superstar?) so it's very obvious that weilian can never be a superstar... he can be a very good and famous singer though, i'm sure he has a market but he will never win project superstar, if he does, it's very unfair... cuz he's OBVIOUSLY winning on sympathy votes... would it be fair to the other contestants who train so hard to learn dance steps and other stuffs?
some may say that weilian is very pityful cuz he has to oversome what some auidence may think of him due to his handicap but he chose to join the competition himself, fully knowing that he would have to face problems like these... plus, dun anyone think that he actually has an advantage in a way cuz he can't see for himself the reaction of the audience... supposedly, he's supposed to get less stage fright or depressed(if there's to be bad audience reaction unless the audience boo him, which fortunately hasn't and dun dun think would ever happen)...
i think the producers of the show should never have let weilian entered the competition in the first place cuz this is not a show to show how sympathetic Singaporeans are. It's a show to discover a SUPERSTAR... the producer and judges have to be VERY CLEAR of their AIM! The audience should be too! If they think that it's only moral that weilian be accepted into the competition, then the producers should have chnaged the show's title and change the criteria for all contestants OR everything can remain the same but either the judges or the audience should have booted out weilian long ago... like u've said in your post, jason is RELATIVELY a bad singer (i dun wanna offend any jason fans) but is it fair to him that weilian is better just because he has a disability (i mean weilian can sing la but u get wat i mean)? eh at least jason got put in the effort to dance and dared to wear 'orh bit' costume on national TV just to entertain. i hope everyone can reflect on this...
when other countries see our project superstar programme, singapore would be a laughing stock... just like how they way singapore was protrayed in the american Amazing Race... project superstar shows that NOT ONLY SINGAPORE TV PRODUCERS, SINGING JUDGES BUT ALSO AUDIENCES DUNNO WHAT A SUPERSTAR IS! It also SHOWS THAT SINGAPOREANS DUN HAVE A CLEAR DEFINITION OF THINGS. ALSO, SHOWS THAT A LOT OF SINGAPOREANS DUN REALLY THINK FOR THEMSELVES (think about the Huang Na case whereby SO MANY singaporeans decided to just STUPIDLY helped raised money for the family just because everyone else seem to be doing so and only so would u appear to have a heart... oh please... wake up!)
And are Singaporeans really so sympathetic? the answer is an obvious NO! 1) the NKF T.T Duria incident reveals sOoO much abt the Singaporean mentality... T.T Duria DID NOTHING WRONG! the only thing he did is that he went into the wrong profession and we worked for charity in the wrong country--- a country whereby a lot of the people cannot think... please, this guy did so much for charity in SIngapore, he was the one who "commercialized" charity so that NKF got all the donations... how he wants to spend his money is his biz u know? where's the freedom? just because u work in charity u cannot spend on luxuries? eh it's not like u r a monk but u break the rules by eating meat and drinking wine! this poor guy did not break any rules! and it's not like he stole the donations for himself (if so also no proof)! so y did so many singaporeans started pointed fingers at him? why did so many singaporeans went to withdraw their previous donations? why so many singaporeans decided not to trust NKF anymore? unless the organization is blatanly corrupt or else i think people should continue to help NKF, it's abt the poor patients! of couse, it's no news that some people dontate just to win prizes...
I'm not trying to sound like i'm a saint or that i'm very sympathetic or that i'm high and mighty... cuz i'm not... i dun donate... at most during flag days to the red cross society... BUT at least i dun go around TRYING TO BE SYMPATHETIC when it's all A FACADE and at least i think for myself, not just follow tje masses...
2) the tunami incident also shows a lot about Singaporeans... when u r asked to donate things that would be useful to the poor victims, what did u donate?! A LOT of old clothes and toys or watever that's not useful for the victims, who obviously need stuffs like bottled water, canned food that dun have to be cooked before u can eat and warm blankets! I'm not talking rubbish cuz my sista volunteered to help with the rationing and what she saw was people dumping old clothes thinking that they are helping... my god, this is not salvation army ok... if it is these SIngaporeans' actions are kindly appreciated but obviously, these people are just making use of the convenience to dump away things that they dun want! o how sympathic they are... in fact, they are making things worse cuz the volunteers had to seive out some really useless stuff, wasting time during the time of emergency...
So, those who think that they help to vote weilian in the superstar competition is doing him a very good favour, think twice. Helping weilian to stay in the competition does not equals to being a good sympatheic person. INSTEAD, u r not thinking. AND u are being as CRUEL as the TV PRODUCER and the JUDGES... Why? cuz u all gave weilian FALSE HOPE... this will only make him fall harder if he doesn't win! this is CRUEL! I dun think weilian will win cuz junyang is sooo much better and also some people would think that if weilian win it would not be fair... If weilian wins, SIngaporeans has no hope already... so if weilian doesn't win, imgaine how this poor lad is going to feel? he has tried so hard and got so far (sorry, i know this line sounds like a line from a Linkin Park song but this is not the focus of my comment) thinking that he really has the potential to be a superstar, thinking that he has all the support from the sympathetic audience then BOOM! he falls... outright cruelty man...
* Sorry for the long comment... i just feel too much abt this issue... and I DIDN'T DISGRESS... i think all those examples WERE NEEDED to help substantiate my point before some people think that I'm making my claim abt Singaporeans on baseless grounds... and i dun mean to put down SIngapore. I like SIngapore alot! I'm proud of it's government and it's success and I love the environment. BUT, there's something abt the SIngapore culture that needs to be done... well, i can write a whole thesis on this man but i'm not going to... and i dun mean all singaporeans are as ...(fill in the blank)... as i mentioned earlier... i'm just referring to some singaporeans, unfortunately, this appears to be the majority... sad...
hmm.. thoes criteria u mentioned for a singer, i dun think it's 100% true..
as long as someone can sing, he's a singer.
take Ocean Ou De Yang and Guo Mei Mei for example.
They are not just cartoon, but singers!
i agreed with u tt weilian DO NOT have the basic criteria to BE A SUPERSTAR!
i actually kinda debated with my frends tt think weilian CAN BE a superstar.
lets say, if many people/fans supported him instead of the other contestants, HE SHOLD BE THE SUPRESTAR!
(as long as many ppl likes him, he IS a superstar..)
but but but... we should also consider how long this supporting will last..
if i'm not wrong, it will only last for a few months or so...
the company will regret if they try to make WL a superstar..
Weilian is blind:
he needs more day to memorize the lyrics of a NEW song of his own.
he needs someone to SPECIALLY attend to him, reads the lyrics for him, bring him around etc...
he cant dance (becoz he cant see to understand what is dance, or maybe he might need A LOT more time to understand what dancing is)
The above few points already tells why weilian cannot be a superstar...
however, i think he still can be a good singer too, or else his talent would be a waste.
(the judges has no rights of deciding his pathway in the project superstar, fans' vote takes up 70% of the decision)
the producers can't stop WL's participation as they did not, in the 1st place, state that handicaps are prohibited.
the judges are only there to help contestants to improve, and to grade their performance..
and they can't be too bad to say WL can't dance and watever infront of the fans and everyone watching the show.
hmm.. i still felt that, no matter what, Jason should be booted Earlier then WL...
he's singing makes me wanna switch channe1.
as to the following:
"when other countries see our project superstar programme, singapore would be a laughing stock... just like how they way singapore was protrayed in the american Amazing Race... project superstar shows that NOT ONLY SINGAPORE TV PRODUCERS, SINGING JUDGES BUT ALSO AUDIENCES DUNNO WHAT A SUPERSTAR IS! It also SHOWS THAT SINGAPOREANS DUN HAVE A CLEAR DEFINITION OF THINGS. ALSO, SHOWS THAT A LOT OF SINGAPOREANS DUN REALLY THINK FOR THEMSELVES (think about the Huang Na case whereby SO MANY singaporeans decided to just STUPIDLY helped raised money for the family just because everyone else seem to be doing so and only so would u appear to have a heart... oh please... wake up!)"
kinda agree with you.. but i can't say too much about it...
you looks pretty informative in wadz happening in S'pore although you're in Aussie..
if i'm you, i guess i'll only notice things like "S'pore is being bombed by terrorist!" and BIG stuff like tt...
i can't comment much abt TT, i hardly watches news.
kinda agree with u about the "tsunami" incident...
hmm.. WL should have already estimated the length of his path in this contest..
i don't think the votes has given him any high expectations either..
hahaha.. this comment is really ur longest!
and erm.. abit off topic cos main post focus is, erm, SgOle
but neh'mind lar, let this be the 1st and the last time writting an off topic comment.
you made urself boil unintentionally this way..
this is a entertaining blog, remember?
the way u commented was the pattern of my english blog, and i kinda got pissed by this kind of blogging style and therefore changes it to a chinese blog, and ofcos, changes my style and purpose of blogging.
i prefer my current stlye and found my own fun in blogging.
i just got to know that Junyang & Xinhui got kicked out of the competition! WHAT?! i dun mean to insult but i think a lot of the voters got something wrong... not tt they r crazy but there's something wrong with the way they judge & vote!
Tell me how can Weilian be betta than Junyang?!!! Arghhh... I already said in my previous comment that Weilian can never be a SUPERSTAR... just because he's visually handicapped.
Before anyone reading accuses me of discrimination, I have to reapeat that when I mean Weilian can't be a superstar is because he can't fulfil A LOT of the requirements of a SUPERSTAR. Even in American Idol, Simon et al. have to debate about what they want from an idol (not just singing skills or dashing looks but stage performance & X factor) so technically, a SUPERSTAR cannot be worse than an idol right? So, excuse me why is Weilian still up there in the competition now?
I think I dun discriminate cuz when some viewers discriminate against Hagen because he's feminine and suspected he's queer, I defended tt guy (albeit he's an arrogant prick) cuz the competition is about performance not about sexuality AND even if Hagen is really homo, a homo can still sing well, dance well, compose songs well, have the X factor (look @ lessie cheung!) etc so he can still be a SUPERSTAR and shouldn't be discriminated against BUT A LOT of audiences discriminated against him, not because he's singing was bad or he was arrogant (although these were some of the reasons) but simply because Hagen appeared to be queer. Wah gender discrimination man! But, what's weird is that when we have to "discriminate" against Weilian in this case (why so, I've already explained b4 and notice the word discriminate is in "") many audiences instead sympathize with him and vote for him! Yesh, this guy can sing, beautifully some more but he obviously dun deserve to be still here in the competition or to put it in another way, contestants like Junyang and Derrick shouldn't have been booted out by Weilian!
Putting aside the matter that Weilian maybe winning on sympathy votes, Junyand is OBVIOUSLY a better SINGER (i'm talking about singer alone not even performer leh) so y did Junyang get voted out? Where's the tian(1) li(3). Haha, of course not so serious lah... it's just a competition & i'm not some inmature fan who keep complaining about the unfairness. I'm more interested with the Singapore society and culture... this incident shows sooo much about Singaporeans IN GENERAL again...
I realized that there are some fans of Weilian who claim tt they are not voting out of sympathy but because their "superstar" can realy sing... well, i feel like slapping these fans and wake them up... of course people have different opinions and they r definitely entitled to have their own views BUT even the professional judges also say Junyang is better and it's clearly that the media also favours Junyang so these fans basically can't judge properly... plus, like i did say b4, they dunno what the criteria of a SUPERSTAR is...
Well, i really hope that Kelly would win the finals just so that Weilian woun't win. BUT, i got a feeling Weilian would win. Cuz, it's just really unfair to compare Weilian and Kelly together (this time not so much because of the handicap but because both of them have very different feng ge but are both very good singers). Since Weilian supposedly can touch many hearts with his singing then prob he would just win.
But while i want Kelly to win, I actually dun really think she's that good. I think she comes second next to Xinhui... too bad Xinhui got out also... i'm not sure y this poor gal got out. She has the superstar quality! some speculations are tt because she's a malaysian... well, well... if this is really true i'm not surprised cuz many Singaporeans are like that mah... what more can I say? i think Xinhui got the SUPERSTAR look while Kelly only looks pretty... Kelly dun have the X factor at all! But, Xinhui's outfit also a bit erhm, jia lat lah...
anyway, i wonder who will win this silly competition lor... i know it's silly but i'm following it cuz i think it's silly until so funny... plus there are a few good singers not like pathetic singapore idol out of which only taufik can sing... and watching Project Superstar is a good way to analyse the Singapore Chinese TV audience... says so much, but nothing has really been unexpected...
p/s: sorry, i flooded ur comments again... i just feel a bit ke(3) xi(1) for Junyang and Xinhui lah...
Btw, I sang KTV with Junyang b4... he's a nice chap... but dunno him well, cuz only saw him once... and almost 3 years ago already... bet he can't remember me already.
And I performed in a same perfoamce as Lai Lijun (the tanned gal who acted in Holland V drama b4) b4... I used to think she can sing really well! but then in Project Superstar too many others sing better than her... and that gal really a lil bit dao but i dunno her personally also so i dunno if she has got attitude problem like what many viewers say...
I remember u asked me before y i know so much abt Singapore even when I'm overseas... here's my answer: I'm not someone to read the news a lot... but being in a media and communications student i can't afford to everything also dunno... and sometimes taking note of these things is more interesting than studying! and they can be the basis of some of my works also... and where i get all my info from? u'll be surprised to know... i get my info from BLOGS! i used to read the online Singapore newspaper ocassionally but ever since have to pay money to read, i never already... then I stumbled across Xiaxue's, Feng Zhi's and Ah Shun's blogs... their blogs always provide me with all these lil info amongst their entertaining entries... it's also from their blogs that I found urs... ur blog has less of these info but i like reading it nonetheless cuz i read blogs for fun, any info about Singapore happenings is I shun(4) bian(4) note down one... sometimes i get info from my Singapore frens through MSN also...
i think i sort of spoilt ur blog with my long and serious comments...this should be an entertaining blog! will refrain from doing tt anymore, i'll post my comments in my multiply journal in the future... and i'll try not to go off topic anymore when i comment here!
it's a trend that the higher scorers got kicked out.
but i LOVE Kelly!
although her voice isn't as good as xin hui, she got a unique style!
the way xin hui sing her song is a bit too common...
now what i can do is to hope that Kelly can win in the Final!
i think WL is improving fast,
he can manage his stage movements (walking ard at least)
he can manage to face the audience correctly
he manage to sing without his ultra-semi-annoying 鼻音
BUT! i still don't like his singing style lehz...
I still love JY...
(ya, this part of my discussion has got nothing to do with Singapore's culture)
hmm... everything has got a different viewpoint which has no right or wrong.
it depends on the individual lar..
but ofcoz, it's the environment, the people, the wadever around each and everyone of us that make us think the way we think...
i don't know hu is to be blamed for the kind of mindset we have lar, maybe the foreigners are the main source of influence when culture exchanges..
F4 also got ppl like wad.
no matter what the reason is, i still hope Kelly can win...
I love her style more then anyone else~
she got the youthful glow..
perhaps i like jazzy, a cappella genre of songs, tt's y Kelly is my type!
U SANG KTV WITH JY B4 ?!?!?!?!?!
how did u get to know him?
ohh.. u knew Lijun cos of ur course issit???
but but but.. showdow of biasness can be present..
especially when the main purpose of it is for entertainment, rite?
and ppl like xiaxue, many things are typed out for "special effects"
still muz weigh the sources and cant believe more then 60% of it...
even if it's from fren, they have got their perspective too.. so... ya...
hope Kelly win too. but got a strong feeling Weilian will win. maybe that dude has got a lot of his frens voting for him. if is like tt it's not fair cuz dosen't reflect mass reception. and yesh, Junyang is by far the best. WASTED AH!
i also like chill out, jazzy, acappella type of songs but i also like the usual pop songs and sentimental ballads but punk rock is the best!
Both Junyang and Lai Lijun were from SAJC (my seniors... JY 3 years older, LJ one year older). One of my male classmate knows JY pretty well (think JY was his band senior). My this male classmate can sing VERY well also! He, me and another few gals in my class frequent KTV long b4 the K Box craze started. Once, this classmate brought along JY and other seniors to our KTV session. At tt time, JY was already planning out his "music career".
LJ studies in NUS so how can I be in the same course as her? I know of her existence last time because I took part in a singing competition in SAJC (yar I very thick-skin but actually so obvious I was nervous like sh*t on stage). O the male classmate that I mentioned earlier, he also took part. Both him and I went through the auditions into the finals. Then gotta rehearse for finals mah... LJ was the female winner for the batch before us so she got invited to guest perform on the finals for our batch... so I know her then lor. Btw, my classmate won the best male singer but me hahaha didn't la.
o i agree with blogs being baised because they are influenced by the perceptions of the writer but i ever take their opinions as facts. i merely from what they write, take note of what happened in Singapore. example, the NKF incident, Feng Zi had the same sentiments as me but Ah Shun had the sentiments that the majority of others had. I basically just took note from their blogs that there was the NKF incident. And Xiaxue's blog ah, hahaha i read for entertainment only... i dun take her opinions into regards one but have to admit that this gal has got a very sharp tongue and can sometimes come up with very logical arguments that are not biased.
hey, my fren went to chn u webby and found out that for every contest, WL has got more voters then JY!!!
(except for once though...)
wadz so great about WL????
ok, so he got a lot of supporters from aunties, uncles, the young and chio BUs, the licenced buskers @ Clark Quey, the unlicenced blind guitarists under the tunnels etc etc...
and my fren oso checked that Kelly got 2x more voters the xin hui!
bad news is that... very likely, more people will be supporting WL then Kelly...
i'm resting my hands on my wooden table now.... (touch wood)
yeah! jazzy, a cappella, R&B, Pop!!! THEY RULEZ!
many ppl like the jazzy, a cappella style and therefore voted Kelly instead of xin hui.
it's the 1st impression that counts!
this Muz Be the reason!! atleast for me...
wah... SAJC got potential superstar...
Xiaxue's forte in english has enabled her to communicate very clearly with her readers.
i think it is this factor that also allows her to sharpen her tounge to "一 toungue 见血"
lets say if the blogger is someone with very bad english (for instance, me), he will need to beat around the bush before he can say what he wanted to, if he unlucky, he fall into the bushes and eventually, nobody knows what he's trying to say, or might just simply get the wrong idea.
so, a 绝对 Good Blogger have to be 绝对 GOOD with the language his blogging in!!
I also went to tt website. I visit it every week, hence my updated info abt the show. too bad, the site very long never update video clips of the performaces already. i wanna see JY dance haha~ never see b4!
the site says a lot of people (stylist, production crew, judges, viewers) criticised tt Xin Huey got no dress sense and lack superstar looks i totally disagree with tt. i think Xin Huey's outfits always got some problem, either not apt or look too kiddish or ah-lianish but it's difficult to wear all these rubbish outfit and still look so good. Kelly obviously looks good cuz she definitely has a better dress sense and air-stewardess mah wat do u expect... I also think in terms of looks Kelly is prettier but then I think XIn Huey is more fang(4) with her performances and got a certain aura...
o the site also mentioned JY referring to Wayne aka JJ Lin as his best fren on his last show... har JJ Lin also from SAJC... same batch as JY... and YanZi also from SAJC... so maybe, SAJC is a ming(2) xing (1) school? pure coincidence la cuz i dun think SAJC gives off the kind of ming(2) xing(1) vibe like ACJC just tt it somehow produced a few singers already. but maybe some other school also produced a few singers just tt i dunno...
i dunno if Xiaxue's command of english is tt good or not cuz if u realized she uses a lot of singlish. i think mr myagi's english is much better and his entries r not just funny but humorous... he got more depth...
i like the 'yi TONGUE jian xue'! very smart indeed... so does this lizard think tt his chinese is already good enuff to make him a jue dui good blogger? haha i reckon he's doing a good job so far!
JY dance like a block... hur hur hur...
judges said he look like a bear, i agreed.
i only like xinhui's orange outfit when she sang the 旧曲新唱 round.
ohh, Kelly's an air stewardess?
i wasn't aware of it!
i still dun like xinhui's style... i mean the song she excel in.. prefer kelly!
jia lat.. but i still think i should have studied in SAJC if i know they manufacture stars...
wad achivements did ACJC achived?
the "some other sch" must have produced Ah Du!!
hmm.. Xiaxue exeled in Singlish and good in English!!
She managed to capture the few hearts of Singaporeans by speacking their language =P
i heard of Mr Myagi but havent came across his blog.. hmm..
got his blog add?
now i only got ur 肯定。
but i 绝对 need a lot more from the readers out there!!
Très bien!!
com'on com'on 给我灵感~~
Mr Miyagi's blog add:
He has this particular post tt u MUST read cuz it's just soOoO funneh! it's a rather old post though, find it @ http://myveryownglob.blogspot.com/2004/09/clouds-in-my-coffee-is-not-good-news.html>
this post is abt two of his REALLY jia lat housemates when he was in Sydney. maybe cuz i also stay overseas & used to stay with a flatmate, i can really relate to his story. but i think even if u dun have the experience it's still gonna provide a really good laugh. enjoy reading~ everyone whom i recommended it to and who read it ended up laughing till they got side stich.
i think it's just coincidental tt a few SAJC students r into singing & music and managed to make it big... cuz in school there wasn't really any culture tt would benefit the manufacturing of stars... there were some occasional "concerts" by the dance society, cheerleading events and the annual singing competition but tt's abt it
haha did u meant it as a joke tt u would have gone to SAJC if u knew tt they produced stars or r u serious?
i won't mind being a star but i got no caliber and not cut out to be one. cuz i got nothing to showcase, EQ not high enuff, & always kena stage fright. but weird, i like to perform. i dun have to be a star, dun really want to also (stars are so common nowadays & not much different from normal pple unless u talking abt hollywood stars & have to trade their privacy) but like to sing for others to listen...so my KTV sessions with frens become my personal concert (only if my frens r shy & dun really sing or else i also bu hao yi shi ba zhan the mic)... wah almost a year never go KTV already =( anyway, think nobody can stand my voice but i force them to listen wahaha. my family hates it when i sing.
i dunno abt ACJC la. wat i meant is tt ACJC got this posh/ upper-class image mah... SOME of their students give me the wo shi ming xing, gao bu ke pan de look...
heh heh ah du not bad also. wonder wat sch was he from...
i reckon there's a lot of people who like ur chinese blog just tt they are ur silent readers. i think pple dun read leave comments or tags unless they know u on a personal level or know u pretty well in the blog-sphere, erhm, except me la... i'm tt odd bird who likes leaving long comments, espcially when i can totally relate to a post, feel stongly abt it or i just simply love the blog.
* my french teacher liked to use tres bien a lot during class!
Thanks for Miyagi's add!!
i browse through his blogging and the link you provided, but didn't have got much time to spare.
i'll continue tml for sure!
funny-humorous-singlish-speaking guy!
hmm.. although SAJC don't specially provide Star-to-be courses, i believe the future students would still be influenced by the S'pore's proudness!
or perhaps, SAJC should come out with such gimmicks!
*i'm just kidding =P *
hmm... looks like my 遭遇 more or less similar from you..
*not fated to be 明星,perhaps 猩猩 can be a better choice... (entertainer)*
ACJC students have yet to meet me...
hehe..hehe.. hehehehehe...
*juz kidding*
did ah du goes to JC in the 1st place?
i dun like ah du...
Tnks for the motivation =D
*Vroom Vroom!!*
Très bien!!
beauté et splendeur!
*French Rocks!*
(thnx to ur online dicky!! erm.. i ment dictionary..)
Vous êtes bienvenue!
*Wah, shortest ever!
maybe i can turn my blog into a french blog, then jap blog, then korean blog, then greek blog then....
that's very ambitious... but maybe u can try lol... then u won't have so many pple tagging to tell u they dun understand ur blog.
Hi crayonz, I hereby thank you for commenting on a long ago entry, which others might just ignore it after reading.
I need you to understand that I'm not being discriminative here in any way. Just a matter of fact that, for everything, there is a criteria. If one cant meet the criteria, he/she cant be qualified.
We are holding a competition for a Superstar, from the title of the show - Project Superstar - itself, it was made clear that it shouldn't be like any normal singing competition that only judges on the vocal talent. And by the way, appearences and dance movements on stage are criteria when you are in an on-stage competition.
The job of a Superstar, in this case, is not just like some singer who only sing a few song and get them recorded into a CD, but rather, they are going to make it big world-wide, and keep their audience alive when they are performing a concert on stage.
Comparing KW and the long ago artist like Sky Wu, what's the difference? They both got good vocal as well, but would you consider Sky Wu a superstar?
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