Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Pissed + Stressed!

i think i sucked in the presentations in year 2 with some exceptional, and now, it's kinda getting worst.. it's not the fact that i dont understand and dont wanna participate, just that i'm sick of such stupid and childish competition where everyone tries their best to catch the attention of the fac! dumb..

imagine this:

situation 1 -
Fac: guys, tell me, what is mitochondria?
student 1: the cell that produce energy to the cell and...............!

situation 2 -
Fac: guys, tell me, what is mitochondria?
student 1: the cell that produce energy to the cell and...............!
student 2: the energy producing cell!
student 3: an organelle in the cell that produce energy!

situation 3 -
Fac: guys, tell me, what is mitochondria?
Whole class: $%$%^$&&^& %& %$@#^%^**&!!

after imagining all these situation with ur limited brain juice... do you think this is how the class should go on and on and on?

situation 1 is a good idea...
situation 2 gives me the cinema sound surround effect when watching a movie with it's setting in a wet market.
situation 3, hell ya, whole class participated vigourously! fac should giv an A ya? Bingo! even if she dont know what the class are shouting about! this is commonly know as a "Faucked-up" situation!

nth can motivate me or atleast convinced me why the hell should i go to school anymore.. facs are nonsensical, teammates are far from my style (not blamming them though), kept on missing my lunch (one day the acid will just eat up my stomach when they gets too hungry, just wait n see), gradings are in a havoc (people get the grades they dont deserved), UTs are like ever lasting, holidays are like distance apart further then north pole to the south pole... and shit! i'm LACKING SLEEP!!!

enthusiam in me is decresing
anger and hatred in me is accumulating
happiness leaving me is further drifting
stressness following me keeps piling
hope within me still fading...

what a nice and valueless pieace of poem for the rottin' shit like me..

Cool inventions!

heard from the radio few days ago that it is predicted that in the near future, advance thechnology are able to record what the mind is thinking.. cool enough?

i had this idea before long ago.. i wanted a machine that is able to directly show and record what my brain is thinking!

stuff i'm thinking about has always been unorganised in my brain and i hardly remember a single thing after i thought about it. wad the...
i admit i'm suffering from STM!

another case is that, whenever i wake up from my sleep, i lost all my memories of my wet dreams... juz kidding! haha..
i mean, the wadever dreams i had... cos i remember lotsa chio bu appeard in my dreams before n i forgot how they look after i wake up.. sad case...
isn't it good if beautiful dreams can be recorded down into ur computer just like how you transfer pics into your com through scanning, and like how you transfer movies into your com using a thumb drive? FANTASTIC!

this is deffintely a bio-science and IT invention... nervous system, brains transmitter, brain wave, frequency.. hmm.. wad else? too bad my yr 2 life sux.. or else if i tried to understand fully, i might just be able to invent this supreme stuff here and make tt prediction come to reality!
sad to say, this dream doesn't motivate me to perform in sch...

current thought: i'm born to be normal, environment changes me and makes me a loner...

Posted by 壁虎 at 6:51:00 PM


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