Saturday, January 01, 2005

Welcome To Year 2005!!

today, 01/01/05 is a very special day to everyone, why? because it's a brand new year and everyone would have 12 months to spend which is equivalent to 54 weeks or 365 days which includes 8,760 hours which is similar to 525,600 minutes, that is 31,536,000 seconds!!! wow!! does it amazed you? well.. "wake up!" we've got the same amount of time every year, but how well actually do we
cherish it? from now onwards, stop day dreaming and stop wasting time, use every second wisley, or else you would be complaining that you don't have enough time for everything.
okok.. enough of craps.. haha!

this morning woke up early to watch the "feng1 shen2 bang3 MTV" concert. i tot it would be a great concert as so many stars were performing. besides, this concert was specially arranged to be shown today as for a new year celebration. well it somehow turns out stupid and boring to me, partly becoz of the wrong atmosphere; i couldn't let my adrenaline runs wild!! WOoooooOW!!!

all the performances was great, except for Nan Quan Ma Ma's, perhaps becoz they are new and it's thier 1st time on stage; or so, i tot.. their vocal skills need lots of improvement or else the microphone would try to escape. their singing skill was slightly lower then average, expecially the guitarist.. and this band has got occasional suckness.. the concert was held before august. the only Nan Qun Ma Ma's song i heard on radio is "xiao shi hou"... oh ya, if u listen to dongli 883fm, u'll notice how bad they can go when they sae something like "u are listening to dongli 883, wo men shi, NAN QUAN MA MA!!"
oh, by the way, who would name themself "nan quan ma ma"? some guys' band? strange? unique? or simply weird?
back to the concert! hmm.. jay chou join in half way while they are singing, he's the saviour!! haha!! after the song, nan quan ma ma left without saying anything at all.. jay continued singing his other songs...

i can't really judge how good or bad nan quan ma ma is, but they have got lots of fans, but some like them only bcoz they are jay's frenz.. maybe they're juz having stage fright in the concert? their songs in CD are nice, i would say..

2 wonders of Singapore attended the concert, Sun Yan Zi & JJ! my favourite s'pore artist! haha!! Yan Zi only sang 1 song and left, the crowd shouted for encore but they've been ignored.. lolx!!

5566 was the last to perform. did u notice any trend? 5566 seems to be always the last to perform in any co-star concert. for instance, SARS concert held in Sentaso and Jungiery Concert not long ago. hmm.. why issit so? becoz of the saying "好的在后头"? wahahaaha!!

time for some new year wish?

hmm.. i don't wish for much, juz hope that my true love would appear sooner, had a better year this time, and last but not least, IMPROVE my blogging skill and thus improve my English so that more and more people would come to my blog and enjoy reading it!

oh yes, my archive has a January 2005 issue finally!! feels great to see it coming!

i've made my wishes, so what's yours?

Posted by 壁虎 at 4:39:00 PM


  1. Blogger *~VonE~* posted at 1/01/2005 11:12 PM  
    hey hey hey...nan quan ma ma is not bad...i went for jay's concert and they were also there to sing abt 3 of the songs was sung earlier in the feng shen bang sang concert today...n i was surprised by how their singing turned out in feng shen bang...during jay's concert, their singing was far better..n i dun uds...guess it could be due to lack of warm up? haha...anyway...i think their band name has gotta do with jay chou..mayb this name carried some meanings with it yeah?...ok, that's all for this comment...
  2. Blogger 壁虎 posted at 1/01/2005 11:34 PM  
    hmm.. jay's concert was in Nov.. either they've improved, or they onli move th mouth while the sound came out from the radio.. wahahaha!!
    hmm.. this is their own band, den y got to do with jay? i'm puzzled right now.. almost jig-sawed... wahahah!!

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